Dream.Build.Play September Update
[MP4] [0:14:04] [2017/09/18]Andrew Parsons shares the latest updates on the Dream.Build.Play game developer competition. Dream.Build.Play is open to all developers, working solo or in teams of up to seven. Create a Universal…
Dream.Build.Play August Update
[MP4] [0:15:11] [2017/08/21]Andrew Parsons joins the show to share the latest updates on the Dream.Build.Play game developer competition. Dream.Build.Play is a game developer competition that is open to all developers, working…
Introducing the Dream.Build.Play Game Developer Competition
[MP4] [0:19:02] [2017/06/28]Andrew Parsons joins the show to talk about a new competition being launched by Microsoft, called Dream.Build.Play. Dream.Build.Play is a game development competition that is open to all developers,…
Getting Started with Duality Part 2
[MP4] [0:39:06] [2017/06/23]Fedja Adam, the creator of Duality, continues to walk us through basic principles of the engine. This episode will mainly focus on working with prefabs and walk through some more scripting principles.…
Getting Started with Duality Part 1
[MP4] [0:34:31] [2017/06/16]Duality is an open-source modular 2D game engine that provides its own visual editor. It's plugin based and written entirely in C#, making it highly extensible. Fedja Adam, the creator of Duality,…
Getting started with Mixer Interactivity in Unity
[MP4] [0:31:23] [2017/06/10]In this episode, Molly Suver from Xbox Live and Gersh Payzer from Mixer join the show to talk about how you can use Mixer Interactivity to create a more social experience for your players. We will…
Build 2017 - Xbox Live, Creators Program and more
[MP4] [0:19:59] [2017/05/15]Andrew Parsons joins the show to talk about Xbox Live, Creators program, Game Mode, building UWP games and developing for Xbox. Episode Resources: Creators ProgramID@XboxXbox One Developer Mode…
Inventory and Store System - Part 5.3 (Hooking into Event System Events via Code)
[MP4] [0:43:37] [2017/05/06]In this episode, we are going to go over the challenge given at the end of Part 5.2 by adding logic to sell or destroy items in our inventory. The action taken will depend on game logic such as…
Inventory and Store System - Part 5.2 (Finishing the Inventory & Buying Equipment)
[MP4] [0:35:35] [2017/04/29]In this episode, we are going to pick up where we left off by wrapping up the logic for displaying items in the players inventory. First, we will fill up the inventory slots with existing items that…
Inventory and Store System - Part 5.1 (Creating the Player Inventory)
[MP4] [0:41:41] [2017/04/15]In this episode, we are going to create the player's inventory by tying together many of the concepts that we've learned. To start, we'll talk more in depth about the event system as we add…
Inventory and Store System - Part 4.2 (Populating the Data)
[MP4] [0:27:26] [2017/03/25]In this episode, we are going to wrap up the Store UI in our RPG project. We will focus on populating the data that we've setup with scriptable objects, using various techniques that we have gone over…
Inventory and Store System - Part 4.1 (Wiring up the UI)
[MP4] [0:30:47] [2017/03/18]In this episode, we will continue our project by hooking up basic mechanics to the store UI. We'll cover the concept of coroutines, as we incorporate logic for showing the dialog. We will also create…
Inventory and Store System - Part 3 (Creating the Store UI)
[MP4] [0:38:45] [2017/03/03]In this episode, we'll continue our project by building out the store user interface for our player to interact with. We'll go over the foundation needed to work with the UI system in Unity, including…
Getting Started with SadConsole
[MP4] [0:29:35] [2017/02/10]In this episode, Andy De George joins us to talk about SadConsole. SadConsole is a MonoGame 3.5-based game library (using .NET 4.5) that provides an engine to emulate old-school console and command…
Inventory and Store System - Part 2 (Scriptable Objects)
[MP4] [0:37:31] [2017/02/03]In this episode, we'll continue our project by building a foundation for our item system using Scriptable Objects. We'll also look at some of the ways that we can modify the Unity Inspector, such as…
Inventory and Store System - Part 1
[MP4] [0:28:03] [2017/01/28]In this episode, we continue our RPG project with the next goal of building an item system which will also be used for equipment and merchant functionality. To prepare for the system, we'll go over…
Unity Navigation - Part 2
[MP4] [0:23:00] [2017/01/21]In this episode, we will add the finishing touches to the point and click style movement. We will use NavMesh Obstacles to define areas that our character should not walk through, such as the well.…
Unity Navigation - Part 1
[MP4] [0:20:20] [2017/01/13]In this episode we will add point and click style movement to our character using Unity's Navigation System. More specifically, we will go over baking a navigation mesh, setting up the NavMeshAgent…
Basics of Unity
[MP4] [0:39:59] [2017/01/06]In this episode we will take a look at the basics of using Unity while setting up the scene that we will be working with for the next several episodes. We will discuss the basics of the UI, general…
Introduction to .GAME
[MP4] [0:01:44] [2017/01/06].GAME is a show dedicated to game development with a primary focus on .NET technology. This episode will walk through the different types of episodes, where you can find the project files and how you…