eScience in the Cloud
[MP4] [0:05:22] [2010/05/07]Scientific applications have diverse data and computational needs that scale from desktop to supercomputers. Besides the nature of the application and the domain, the resource needs for the…
Bing Technology Transfer
[MP4] [0:05:00] [2010/05/07]Microsoft Research has contributed numerous technologies to the Bing search engine. Years of research efforts on intensive, data-driven problems have resulted in cutting-edge technology transfers. …
[MP4] [0:03:04] [2010/05/07]In this demo we showcase efforts in MSR to collaborate with external researchers to explore the application of new technologies, specifically Dryad and DryadLINQ, to big data research problems in…
Tracking Internet Hosts Using Unreliable IDs
[MP4] [0:02:55] [2010/05/07]Today's Internet is open and anonymous. While it permits free traffic from any host, attackers that generate malicious traffic typically cannot be held accountable. We will present a system that…
Mobile Assistance Using Infrastructure (MAUI)
[MP4] [0:02:28] [2010/05/07]Mobile devices have reached an impasse. Although the resources that can be integrated onto mobile handheld devices will continue to improve, faster CPUs, more RAM, faster wireless NICs, making…
Mobile-to-Mobile Networking in 3G Networks
[MP4] [0:02:40] [2010/05/07]Mobile devices increasingly are first-class computing devices, generating large amounts of data. Searching and sharing data securely across multiple devices can be a significant challenge. We have…
Manual Deskterity : An Exploration of Simultaneous Pen + Touch Direct Input
[MP4] [0:02:26] [2010/05/06]Our research showcases a conceptual model for bimanual input that spans a wide range of form-factors including smart phones, slates, and tabletop systems using a combination of pen, touch, motion…
The Translating! Telephone
[MP4] [0:02:53] [2010/05/06]Douglas Adams' Babelfish inspired dreams of unfettered universal communication. Though we are still far from achieving that goal, there are scenarios in which today's limited accuracy can create…
New Technologies for Multi-Image Fusion
[MP4] [0:03:08] [2010/05/06]As video and still cameras have become almost ubiquitous, people are taking increasingly more photographs and videos of the world around them. Often, the photographer's intent is to capture more than…
Greening Corporate Networks with Sleep Proxy
[MP4] [0:02:49] [2010/05/06]In a corporate network, most desktop machines always are left on, even when they are not in use for extended periods, such as at night. This is wasteful, bad for the environment, and bad for the…