Stefan Is... scrutinizing the user experience of Live Search (Episode 005)
[MP4] [0:23:53] [2009/04/29]
This was one of my most enjoyable talks with the team that brings you This time, we dove into the User Experience and User Interface—topics I am personally intrigued by.
Have you ever…
Stefan Is researching the art (or is it Science?) of Search
[MP4] [0:15:17] [2009/04/01]
Believe it or not, Search is a relatively new technology. You probably perform a few searches a day… how satisfied are you with the results?
Stefan and I sat down with Martin, a Senior Product…
Stefan Is... diving into Live Search API 2.0 (Episode 003)
[MP4] [0:12:36] [2009/03/21]
You asked to go deeper, we listened.
Stefan and I met with Roopali from the Live Search team.
We had a high-level discussion about the 2nd Pillar in project “Silk Road”: the
Live Search API…
Stefan Is an infinite scroll maaaaniac! (Episode 001)
[MP4] [0:08:17] [2009/02/14]
As this is
Stefan’s first appearance on Channel 9, he explains a bit about what we’re going to do in this weekly series. If you want to skip ahead and get to the demo-goodness, check out 2:40 for…