App Development Community Standup
[MP4] [0:29:01] [2021/09/28]Join Kevin Gallo and guest to learn more about pen/ink capabilities for your existing and new apps.
App Development Community Standup: Project Reunion 0.5 Release
[MP4] [0:33:16] [2021/05/19]Join Kevin Gallo and guests to learn about the Project Reunion 0.5 SDK release, our next steps, and ask your questions live.
App Development Community Standup: WinUI 3 Preview 3 release
[MP4] [0:52:41] [2020/12/11]Join Kevin Gallo and guests to learn about the new features in the WinUI 3 Preview 3 that are available for you to try in your app.
App Development Community Standup: React Native for Windows update
[MP4] [0:41:49] [2020/10/21]Join Kevin Gallo and guests to learn about the latest RN4W updates and why Xbox decided to use RN4W for their app.
App Development Community Standup: Project Reunion Update
[MP4] [0:52:34] [2020/07/24]Join Kevin Gallo and guests to learn more about how to contribute to Project Reunion, our next steps, and ask your questions live.