Taming Android and iOS with Enterprise Mobility Suite: (04) Managing Android
[MP4] [0:38:12] [2014/12/17]Examine Android management, and learn about the capabilities of EMS that help you manage Android-based devices. [01:27] - Enrollment + Provisioning[14:19] - Policy[29:23] - Application…
Taming Android and iOS with Enterprise Mobility Suite: (03) Managing iOS
[MP4] [0:54:05] [2014/12/17]Explore iOS management, and take a look at the capabilities of Enterprise Mobility Suite (EMS) that help you manage iOS-based devices. [01:54] - Enrollment + Provisioning[21:37] - Identity[26:09]…
Taming Android and iOS with Enterprise Mobility Suite: (02) Fundamentals
[MP4] [0:57:59] [2014/12/17]Look at the fundamental technologies, find out where they fit into the Microsoft enterprise mobility approach, and see what they enable. [01:57] - Identity of the User[19:15] - Identity of the…
Taming Android and iOS with Enterprise Mobility Suite: (01) Introduction and Toolkit
[MP4] [0:50:43] [2014/12/17]Get an introduction to the tools, and set up the trial accounts you need for the course. [02:31] - Course Intro[03:19] - What is EMS?[15:33] - Getting Trials[31:54] - Setting up the tools