Microsoft Imagine India Student Video Hello World
[MP4] [0:02:59] [2015/04/21] Write your first program "Hello World"
Microsoft Imagine India Student Video If Else
[MP4] [0:02:36] [2015/04/21]Learn programming - If Else conditional statement
Microsoft Imagine India Student Video Kodu
[MP4] [0:03:36] [2015/04/21]Building your first game with Kodu
Microsoft Imagine India Student Video For Loop
[MP4] [0:02:32] [2015/04/21]Learn programming - For Loop
Microsoft Imagine India Student Video Print Numbers
[MP4] [0:03:26] [2015/04/21]Learn programming - Print "N" numbers on screen
Microsoft Imagine India Student Video VS Download
[MP4] [0:03:10] [2015/04/21]Download Visual Studio and start coding