Series - Internet-of-Things-micro-boards-for-beginners

Improve your robotics skills with EZ-Robot[MP4] [0:10:54] [2016/06/15]
This interview we recorder during Vancouver Mini Maker Faire. Of course, WMMF is a not quiet space but we hope that you enjoy it. Canadian founded by DJ Sures, EZ-Robot (located in Calgary) offers…

Be ready for MakerFaire: Azure IoT demo[MP4] [0:10:14] [2016/06/10]
In this demo I will show several different boards based on different OS/Platforms: Linux, Win 10 IoT, TI RTOS and Arduino.

Be ready for MakerFaire: Bluetooth Low Energy demo[MP4] [0:03:23] [2016/06/08]
In this session I am going to show our second demo for MakerFaire in Vancouver: Bluetooth Low Energy devices and Windows 10. Thanks to Bluetooth LE API in Windows 10, you can easy build Universal…

Be ready for MakerFaire: AllJoyn demo[MP4] [0:04:15] [2016/06/07]
In this session I am going to show our first demo for MakerFaire in Vancouver: AllJoyn and Windows 10 IoT. In this demo: LifX All Joyn bulb, Phillips Hue (ZigBee) and Z-Wave Smart Switch.…

How to work with AllJoyn devices in C#: LIFX Color 1000 example[MP4] [0:24:59] [2016/06/06]
In the previous session we discussed, how to onboard a LIFX bulb to our network. Now it's time to manage the bulb, using AllJoyn providers.

How to onboard AllJoyn devices in C#: LIFX Color 1000 example[MP4] [0:38:34] [2016/05/21]
In this session we will discuss how to start working with AllJoyn devices. The first task there is adding all devices in your local network. Let's use LIFX Color 1000 as an example and let's develop a…

Launch Academy video: Internet of Things in the Cloud[MP4] [1:09:57] [2016/05/04]
From smart-bulbs and connected home appliances to Raspberry Pi 2boards, ESP8266 modules and micro-controllers: all of these things can be connected to the Internet with ease. Connecting devices to…

Bonus Video: USBAsp, Atmel Studio and ATTINY45[MP4] [0:12:42] [2016/04/12]
In this video we will see how to use USBASP programmer in order to program ATTINY45 directly on a breadboard.

Bonus Video: How to burn Arduino bootloader using an Arduino Uno board[MP4] [0:07:39] [2016/04/11]
If you have an Atmel chip without Arduino bootloader, just find a friend with Arduino board and burn the bootloader.

Bonus Video: How to burn Arduino bootloader using the USBAsp programmer[MP4] [0:10:26] [2016/04/11]
How to burn Arduino bootloader using the USBAsp programmer. You can use just a microcontroller on a breadboard.

Bonus Video: Programming an Arduino microcontroller without any dev board[MP4] [0:09:34] [2016/04/10]
In this video we will show how to use a breadboard and a USB to serial converter in order to program Atmel ATMega328P microcontroller.

Bonus Video: The second life for Raspberry Pi B+[MP4] [0:08:42] [2016/04/07]
In this short video you can see how to use Visual Studio 2015 in order to create, debug and deploy applications to Raspberry Pi B+ that is running Linux

Module 2: Thinking Digital (part 1)[MP4] [0:40:31] [2016/03/03]
In this session we will program MSP430G2xx

Module 1: Introduction to Microcontrollers[MP4] [0:37:47] [2016/02/03]
We are going to discuss the most popular microcontrollers and why it's so important to start with microcontrollers rather than microboards

Tools review for your first IOT project[MP4] [0:15:11] [2015/11/17]
According to IDC research the market of IOT will grow almost 4 times and exceeds 7 Trillion by 2020. It represents a huge opportunity for developers and entrepreneurs who are looking to create the…