Developing Games with Marmalade and C++ for Windows and Windows Phone: (06) Packaging and Finishing…
[MP4] [0:21:46] [2015/03/06]Revisit the best practices from Module 4, and implement those key features into the game using extensions and Marmalade SDKs. Package and publish the game to Windows 8 and Windows Phone stores.
Developing Games with Marmalade and C++ for Windows and Windows Phone: (05) Creating Marmalade…
[MP4] [0:24:03] [2015/03/06]See demos on how to build Marmalade extensions for both Windows Phone and Windows 8.
Developing Games with Marmalade and C++ for Windows and Windows Phone: (04) Monetization
[MP4] [0:19:17] [2015/03/06]Look at best practices for monetization, engagement, and retention of players of your games, and check out ways to enhance game sales.
Developing Games with Marmalade and C++ for Windows and Windows Phone: (03) Cloud Services
[MP4] [0:29:58] [2015/03/06]See how easy is to create a single cloud backend to your game and to include features, such as a leaderboard. Explore and sign up for GameSparks.
Developing Games with Marmalade and C++ for Windows and Windows Phone: (02) Building the Gameplay
[MP4] [1:03:20] [2015/03/06]See the game you'll be building throughout the session, using Marmalade C++, and explore how to build and deploy the game onto Windows devices.
Developing Games with Marmalade and C++ for Windows and Windows Phone: (01) Marmalade and Visual…
[MP4] [0:26:17] [2015/03/06]Find out what Marmalade C++ is, how to get set up, and how to access the necessary resources and built-in help. Plus, get an overview of what's new in Visual Studio 2013 for C++…