Series - Descubre-Wave-Engine-tutorialess

WAVE ENGINE GAME DEVELOPER CONTEST 2016[MP4] [0:00:48] [2016/05/07]
If you are a developer of indie or professional games, then you can compete alone or in a group in order to win prizes worth up to $15,000. Whether you have a new idea or have already developed a game…

Behaviours II[MP4] [0:12:54] [2016/05/06]
The Sixth video of the 3D game programming series for Wave Engine 2.0, continues the creation of the game custom behaviours, especially a smooth tracking behaviour for the game camera. - Source code…

Scene Creation II [MP4] [0:13:27] [2016/05/06]
The Fourth video of the 3D game programming serie for Wave Engine 2.0, explains the creation of the rest of the level scene: the thrust engines and the background environment. - Source code available…

Behaviours I [MP4] [0:13:48] [2016/05/06]
The Fifth video of the 3D game programming series for Wave Engine 2.0, start to create custom behaviours for the game, especially the space ship movement. - Source code available in Github:…

Scene Creation I[MP4] [0:13:47] [2016/05/06]
The third video of the 3D game programming series for Wave Engine 2.0, explains the creation of the level scene, especially the ship player and the asteroids. - Source code available in Github:…

Behaviours III[MP4] [0:19:43] [2016/05/06]
The Seventh video of the 3D game programming series for Wave Engine 2.0, continues the creation of the game custom behaviors, in this case the management of the asteroid field. - Source code available…

Behaviours IV[MP4] [0:16:17] [2016/05/06]
The Eighth video of the 3D game programming series for Wave Engine 2.0, finish the creation of the game custom behaviors, this time, the collision detection and game state management. - Source code…

Effects[MP4] [0:23:00] [2016/05/06]
Video of the 3D game programming series for Wave Engine 2.0, explaining the creation of the particle system and sound management. - Source code available in Github:…

Asset Management [MP4] [0:16:25] [2016/05/06]
In this second video of the 3D Game Programming Series you will learn to add and edit assets and materials. The source code for this video is here:

UI Overview[MP4] [0:08:24] [2016/05/06]
In this video you will learn the basic elements and areas of the user interface of the new Wave Visual Editor