Deep Dive Building Blocks and Services of SharePoint: (08) Developing Advanced Taxonomy Scenarios in…
[MP4] [0:43:23] [2015/01/15]Get explanations on the why and how of leveraging the managed metadata service and creating taxonomies from a provider-hosted SharePoint app, and learn the basics of creating termsets and adding terms…
Deep Dive Building Blocks and Services of SharePoint: (07) Deep Dive into Business Connectivity…
[MP4] [1:00:42] [2015/01/15]Explore advanced scenarios for developing apps that use external content types. [01:00] - Overview[10:10] - App-Level External Content Types[26:31] - Hybrid Business Connectivity Services[34:35] -…
Deep Dive Building Blocks and Services of SharePoint: (06) Deep Dive into Search Scenario in Office…
[MP4] [0:50:04] [2015/01/15]Examine advanced scenarios for developing search-based apps in SharePoint Online. [00:51] - Overview[05:08] - Search Building Blocks[16:05] - Extending Search Center[37:25] - Search Based Apps
Deep Dive Building Blocks and Services of SharePoint: (05) SharePoint 2013 Remote Event Receivers
[MP4] [0:43:21] [2015/01/15]Take a look at the architecture of Remote Event Receivers, and see how to use them in a provider-hosted SharePoint app. Learn how to configure debugging sessions so that you can trigger the Office 365…
Deep Dive Building Blocks and Services of SharePoint: (04) Deep Dive into SharePoint Lists with CSOM…
[MP4] [0:53:22] [2015/01/15]Find out how to make the most of the Client-side Object Model (CSOM) from a provider-hosted SharePoint app and how to optimize your CSOM code. See demos of the CSOM programming required to create site…
Deep Dive Building Blocks and Services of SharePoint: (03) Deep Dive into SharePoint Lists with REST…
[MP4] [0:58:17] [2015/01/15]Learn how to use the SharePoint REST API to read and write to SharePoint lists. Hear why the REST API is a great tool for developers who may not have access to one of the client-side object model…
Deep Dive Building Blocks and Services of SharePoint: (02) Deep Dive into SharePoint Lists for Data…
[MP4] [0:54:47] [2015/01/15]Examine how to create and use lists from a SharePoint provider-hosted app, and see demos on various ways to create lists using both declarative XML elements and procedural C# code. Learn about the use…
Deep Dive Building Blocks and Services of SharePoint: (01) Developing Advanced Workflow Scenarios…
[MP4] [0:58:44] [2015/01/15]Explore advanced scenarios for developing workflow-powered apps for SharePoint in Office 365 with Visual Studio. Learn why your customers should consider putting a workflow in an app for SharePoint,…