Series - Creating-Virtual-and-Augmented-Reality-Applications-on-Windows-Platform-en

6.2 | How to develop mixed reality AR/VR experiences for Cardboard viewers[MP4] [0:06:29] [2016/03/30]
How to develop mixed reality AR/VR experience for Cardboard viewers

6.1 | Mixed reality. Holograms enviroment[MP4] [0:01:51] [2016/03/30]
Mixed reality. Holograms enviroment

5.2 | Using sensors for user iteraction in VR[MP4] [0:24:14] [2016/03/30]
Using sensors for user iteraction in VR

5.1 | User interactions in Virtual Reality[MP4] [0:23:29] [2016/03/30]
User interactions in Virtual Reality

4 | Creating VR apps using Fibrum SDK[MP4] [0:16:58] [2016/03/30]
Creating VR apps using Fibrum SDK

3 | Creating VR apps using ALPS-VR[MP4] [0:08:03] [2016/03/30]
Creating VR apps using ALPS-VR

2 | Principles of VR with Unity examples[MP4] [0:18:49] [2016/03/30]
Principles of VR with Unity examples

1.2 | Maikng and using VR-helmet[MP4] [0:11:42] [2016/03/30]
Maikng and using VR-helmet

1.1 | VR Fundamentals[MP4] [0:20:22] [2016/03/30]
VR Fundamentals