Series - CODExist-The-Birth-of-Bot

CODExist: The Birth of Bot: (09) Publishing and Sharing[MP4] [0:09:04] [2015/01/08]
Hear how to publish your game and share it with friends.

CODExist: The Birth of Bot: (08) Custom Functions[MP4] [0:16:39] [2015/01/08]
Get the details on using custom functions to change the images of obstacles in your game.

CODExist: The Birth of Bot: (07) Adding More Obstacles[MP4] [0:22:28] [2015/01/08]
Learn how to add more obstacles to your game using a for loop. [01:26] - Resetting Obastacles[06:08] - Adding more obstacles

CODExist: The Birth of Bot: (06) Detecting Collisions[MP4] [0:15:42] [2015/01/08]
Hear how to detect when two objects collide in your game, and then use this knowledge to remove a life if your hero collides with an obstacle.

CODExist: The Birth of Bot: (05) Conditional Statements[MP4] [0:18:22] [2015/01/08]
Find out how to make decisions in a program using conditional statements (if-then-else statements), and then add functionality that removes a life if your hero goes off the screen. [01:05] - If…

CODExist: The Birth of Bot: (04) Events[MP4] [0:16:27] [2015/01/08]
Make your game respond to taps, clicks, or keystrokes (also known as events).

CODExist: The Birth of Bot: (03) The Coordinate System[MP4] [0:19:28] [2015/01/08]
Get the details on pixels and the coordinate system used in computer games, and then add an obstacle to your game and set its position.

CODExist: The Birth of Bot: (02) Objects, Functions, and Parameters[MP4] [0:23:33] [2015/01/08]
Learn about the building blocks for a line of code (objects, functions, and parameters), and then use this knowledge to resize the hero in your game and to set the number of lives a player starts…

CODExist: The Birth of Bot: (01) Getting Started[MP4] [0:38:19] [2015/01/08]
Get started building your first game from scratch in TouchDevelop! Sign in to TouchDevelop, create a blank game using a template, add a background scene, and add a character to your game. [07:10] -…