Series - CDirectX-Game-Development-Blending-and-Models

C++/DirectX Game Development: Blending and Models: (04) Using the Model Importer[MP4] [0:39:55] [2015/01/29]
Look at the new model loader provided by Microsoft (utilized in the demo) and how you can use it to import third-party models from other software or handmade models from a text file. Plus, get a…

C++/DirectX Game Development: Blending and Models: (03) Creating Models and the OBJ Format[MP4] [0:34:08] [2015/01/29]
Take a deep dive into how the open source OBJ and VBO file formats represent models and why this is important. And hear how to create them from a third-party program like Maya, or by hand if you are…

C++/DirectX Game Development: Blending and Models: (02) Blending/Transparency[MP4] [0:55:09] [2015/01/29]
Learn how to implement techniques, like alpha clipping, global fog, and transparency/blending. [01:55] - Adding A Face/Quad class[11:25] - Placing A Face[18:40] - Creating A Transparent Clip Pixel…

C++/DirectX Game Development: Blending and Models: (01) Introduction / Getting Started[MP4] [0:30:00] [2015/01/29]
Hear a course intro, and get a quick look at the current state of the prototype. Explore Windows Developer landscape changes, given the unification of phone/desktop accounts, plus hear about new…