Series - APAC-DevSquad-Showcase

Azure CLI 2.0 | 2017.04 | Azure CLI 2.0 [MP4] [1:02:40] [2017/05/05]
2017년 4월 15일, "Bash & 라즈베리파이와 함께 살펴보는 Azure CLI 2.0" 행사에서 진행하였던 내용을 공유합니다.본 비디오는 세 번째 편으로, Azure CLI 2.0 명령어를 활용하여 리소스 그룹, 가상 컴퓨터 (Linux)를 Azure 포털 대신 어떻게 관리하는지를 설명 및 시연하는 부분에 대한…

Azure CLI 2.0 & | 2017.04 | Azure CLI 2.0 [MP4] [0:45:58] [2017/05/05]
2017년 4월 15일, "Bash & 라즈베리파이와 함께 살펴보는 Azure CLI 2.0" 행사에서 진행하였던 내용을 공유합니다.본 비디오는 두 번째 편으로, Azure CLI 2.0이 무엇인지 살펴보고, Azure CLI 2.0 설치를 Linux 환경 및 라즈베리파이에 설치하는 부분에 대한 대한 영상입니다.- 행사…

Azure Linux, | 2017.04 | Azure CLI 2.0 [MP4] [0:41:10] [2017/05/05]
2017년 4월 15일, "Bash & 라즈베리파이와 함께 살펴보는 Azure CLI 2.0" 행사에서 진행하였던 내용을 공유합니다.본 비디오는 첫 번째, "Azure와 Linux, 그리고 오픈 소스"에 대해 설명한 부분에 대한 영상입니다.- 행사 정보: 후원:…

Intro to TinyCLR OS[MP4] [0:18:02] [2017/04/18]
In this video I will explain about what is TinyCLR OS, how to deploy it to your dev board and how to create embedded app.I also created a community project to port a gadgeteer modules driver to…

Intro: IoT with Microsoft Azure[MP4] [1:04:00] [2017/04/18]
This is an introduction video about Azure IoT. Source code:

Intro to Bot Framework[MP4] [1:30:56] [2017/04/07]
This video explains about Bot Framework and shows a different kind of bot sample

[Indonesia-Mif Masterz]-Intro: Angular 2 with ASP .NET Core[MP4] [0:46:57] [2017/03/10]
Explains how OpenStack suppoets both open source and commercial hypervisors by taking example of Hyper-V as a commercial hypervisor

[Korea-Yeongrak Choi]-Publish your own website in a cloud![MP4] [0:43:36] [2017/03/10]
Publishing a web site using CodeIgnitor - open source PHP framework upon Azure as an example

[Korea-Yeongrak Choi]-OpenStack: The platform for multi-hypervisor management[MP4] [0:41:47] [2017/03/10]
Explains how OpenStack supports both open source and commercial hypervisors by taking example of Hyper-V as a commercial hypervisor

[Korea-Yeongrak Choi]-Hyper-V Overview[MP4] [0:48:49] [2017/03/10]
Explains what Hyper-V is and how Hyper-V is well used in private & public cloud enrivonment

[Indonesia-Mif Masterz] - Tutorial: Sending Data from AndroidThings to Azure IoT Hub[MP4] [0:11:27] [2017/02/15]
In this video, I'll show you how to use azure iot sdk with android things

[Indonesia-Mif Masterz] - Tutorial: Asp.Net Core Identity with Redis[MP4] [0:23:47] [2017/02/15]
This tutorial will show you how to use redis as identity storage for your ASP.Net Core App

[Indonesia-Mif Masterz] - Tutorial: Core with SignalR[MP4] [0:18:43] [2017/02/15]
You can use signalR to create real-time web app in ASP.NET, this time I will show you how to use it with ASP.NET Core

[Sri Lanka - Saman Kumara] - Xamarin ios - Listview[MP4] [0:19:06] [2017/02/01]
This tutorial will be cover UITableViewController, UITableVIew , UITableViewCell and how to set datasource for UITableView

[Vietnam-Khuong Nguyen] -Build People# Mobile App - Create First View (PeopleListView) [MP4] [1:28:27] [2016/10/19]
How to create people listing view in xamarin in visual studio using mvvmcross.