More Personal Computing[MP4] [0:33:40] [2015/11/05]Download the Hands on Labs for this session here, here and here Cortana/SpeechInkingWindows Hello/Face Recognition
Microsoft Edge and Hosted Web Apps[MP4] [0:46:25] [2015/11/05]Download the Hands on Labs for this session here EdgeWebViewHosted Web Apps
Building an adaptive UI[MP4] [0:47:50] [2015/11/05]Download the Hands on Labs for this session hereDesign guidanceAdaptive UIRelative panelVisual State SettersAdaptive Triggers
Introduction to Windows 10 UWP (Universal Windows Platform)[MP4] [0:31:46] [2015/11/05]One Windows, One Store, One SDKDevice FamiliesAdaptive UI to create great UI across all devices
Live Tiles and Notifications[MP4] [0:39:57] [2015/11/05]Download the Hands on Labs for this session hereAdaptive TemplateInteractive Toast
Cloud Services[MP4] [1:05:47] [2015/11/05]Download the Hands on Labs for this session here Connected ExperiencesRoaming DataOneDriveAzure App Services
Store and Monetization[MP4] [0:39:34] [2015/11/05]Download the Hands on Labs for this session here One StoreApp Submission Walk throughIn app purchaseAdvertising