Workshop Introduction
[MP4] [0:01:39] [2012/10/30]In this workshop, you will explore approaches to migrating applications, walk through concerns and considerations to take into account while planning a migration, and learn how to implement a…
[MP4] [0:15:15] [2012/10/28]Tyler Doerksen and Jonathan Rozenblit take questions from the virtual audience. Questions? If you have any questions for Richard, Tyler, and/or Jonathan or comments to share about this presentation,…
Combining IaaS and PaaS
[MP4] [0:34:23] [2012/10/28]Though considered two different types of Cloud hosting options, many solutions can benefit from using both Infrastructure-as-a-Service and Platform-as-a-Service hosted components, especially when…
Migrating Applications to the Cloud with PaaS
[MP4] [0:43:04] [2012/10/28]Many of today's applications are not built to be able to support a Platform-as-a-Service architecture out of the box. However, migrating these applications to Cloud Services, the Windows Azure…
Migrating Applications to the Cloud with IaaS
[MP4] [0:37:18] [2012/10/28]With Infrastructure-as-a-Service VMs being very close to on-premises VMs, one might think that migrating between the two is a copy and paste operation. There is more to it. In this session, you will…
Migrating Applications to the Cloud
[MP4] [0:59:00] [2012/10/28]Migrating applications to Windows Azure has the potential to help lower costs, reduce management overhead and dramatically improve scalability. This session will give you insights into choosing which…