Closing and Virtual Attendee Party
[MP4] [0:55:21] [2020/02/08]Download Visual Studio: Join our live stream attendee party for live chat, Q&A, trivia, giveaways, and some fun surprises! We'll be streaming live from Channel 9…
How to be productive developing with .NET on a Mac
[MP4] [0:37:58] [2020/02/08]Download Visual Studio: Now that you've seen all the different types of applications you can build using Visual Studio for Mac, we'll show you some great tips that will…
What's new for Unity developers on macOS
[MP4] [0:29:25] [2020/02/08]Download Visual Studio: Unity is a game development platform for building 2D and 3D games using .NET that run on 25+ platforms across mobile, desktop, console, TV,…
Building mobile applications with .NET Xamarin
[MP4] [0:34:17] [2020/02/08]Download Visual Studio: What if you could build applications for iOS, Android, and Windows with the productivity of .NET, while still providing great native experiences?…
Serverless apps with .NET Core and macOS
[MP4] [0:34:36] [2020/02/08]Download Visual Studio: Serverless applications let you develop efficient, cost effective applications without worrying about application infrastructure. With Visual…
Working with ASP.NET Core on macOS
[MP4] [0:36:18] [2020/02/08]Download Visual Studio: ASP.NET Core is a web framework for building web apps and services... and did we mention that they're crazy fast? We'll show you how Visual Studio…
Realtime web applications, from your Mac to the Cloud, with SignalR and Azure
[MP4] [0:33:09] [2020/02/08]Download Visual Studio: Want to build interactive applications that deliver up-to-date information without making your users constantly hit a refresh button? It's hard,…
Building Blazor applications on a Mac
[MP4] [0:33:34] [2020/02/08]Download Visual Studio: Blazor lets you build interactive web UIs using C# instead of JavaScript, with rich web UI components implemented using C#, HTML, and CSS. Both…
Keynote: A Fresh Look at Visual Studio for Mac
[MP4] [0:55:31] [2020/02/08]Download Visual Studio: Whether you're completely new to Visual Studio for Mac, haven't used it in a while, or use it daily and want to learn more, now's a great time for…