Welcome To TechDays
[MP4] [0:03:00] [2016/12/27]A Recap of the Conference.
Deep Dive: Using Microsoft Intune to protect your Office 365 data on iOS and Android without…
[MP4] [0:59:50] [2016/12/22]In this session Simon May, Principal Program Manager, Microsoft Intune, will help you get up and running with mobile application management on any iOS and Android device. The devices don't need to be…
Micros...Err Microcosmos: The Take on Azure, Nano and Containers
[MP4] [0:59:30] [2016/12/22]It has evolved. We went from client to client-server to services, and with that we went from hardware to virtualization to ... containerized deployments. There's some new kids in town. The big beast…
How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Nano Server
[MP4] [0:58:32] [2016/12/22]The new headless Windows Server installation option is made for cloud. It's small, it's fast, and it doesn't have a GUI. There is no local logon or Remote Desktop support either. Management is…
DDD is back, the backbone of microservices
[MP4] [0:57:44] [2016/12/22]One example is the concept of Bounded Context that will impact your way of structuring your teams as well as your services. And there are more such tools, which are crucial to master. We will discuss…
Native iOS- och Android appar med Xamarin och C#
[MP4] [0:59:56] [2016/12/22]"När Microsoft köpte Xamarin blev Xamarin tillgängligt utan extra kostnad för alla med Visual Studio. Xamarin gör det möjligt att utveckla native appar för iOS och Android med C# i Visual Studio.…
Adventures in Underland: What Your System Stores on the Disk Without Telling You
[MP4] [1:03:51] [2016/12/22]Even though you are the only person using a computer, you are not the only one writing to your disk drive! Surprisingly your disk drive contains a lot of juicy information that can reveal a lot of…
Recalling Windows Memories: Useful Guide to Retrieving and Analyzing Memory Content
[MP4] [1:06:39] [2016/12/21]Acquiring and analyzing physical memory as done by forensics professionals is a crucial skill to understand how an operating system works or worked during the incident. For hobbyists, working with…
The Microsoft Story of Windows Development
[MP4] [0:43:13] [2016/12/20]Följ med på en episk resa där vi går igenom hur vi har skrivit Windows applikationer genom åren; vilka programspråk, ramverk och verktyg har använts. Vi fortsätter med att prata om vilka alternativ vi…
Datacenter Health Checks and Monitoring
[MP4] [1:02:43] [2016/12/19]Mikael Nystrom and Markus Lassfolk lead this session in which you learn how to get instant health checks and conduct ongoing monitoring using PowerShell and the Microsoft Operations Management Suite.…
Learn Azure Pack and Azure Stack in 60 Minutes
[MP4] [1:02:30] [2016/12/19]"At TechDays last year, our session about Azure Pack, including what it is and what you can use it for, got the highest rating by IT pros! So let's do it again, but also add Azure Stack.This…
Securing Privileged Access
[MP4] [1:06:51] [2016/12/19]Protecting administrative access against determined adversaries require us to take a complete and thoughtful approach to isolate systems from risks including credential theft and credential reuse…
Moving from Reactive to Proactive Security
[MP4] [1:11:54] [2016/12/19]Gartner has said that one of the most needed changes in enterprise security is to move to a least privilege approach, whitelisting of applications and overall proactive security. Microsoft said in…
Code as a Crime Scene The Microsoft Edition
[MP4] [0:50:50] [2016/12/19]We'll never be able to understand large-scale systems from a single snapshot of the code. Instead we need to investigate how the code evolves and how the people who work on it are organised. We also…
ConfigMgr CB (Current Branch) top 10 issues and how to prevent them
[MP4] [1:05:06] [2016/12/19]This is one of the real life sessions that you don't want to miss. We will dive into you're the daily challenges as enterprise client administrator. In the session Kent Agerlund will explain the most…
Messaging and Stream Handling in Microsoft Azure
[MP4] [1:01:24] [2016/12/19]In this presentation you will learn about the Messaging and Stream Handling capabilities in the Azure platform that are fundamental for the Azure IoT Suite, for the Cortana Analytics Suite, and many…
Javascript isnt evil
[MP4] [0:44:45] [2016/12/19]With Progressive Web Apps being the big thing and ServiceWorker allowing us to build applications resilient to unreliable networks we need to reconsider what we consider "best practices" for…
Vad är nytt i Visual Studio vNext aka 15
[MP4] [0:44:33] [2016/12/19]Missa inte chansen att vara först med att veta vad nästa version av Visual Studio innehåller. Genom att kunna så många av ditt främsta verktygs bästa funktioner blir du effektivare, gladare och din…
Brad Anderson - Keynote
[MP4] [1:03:47] [2016/12/18]Brad Anderson is the Corporate Vice President of the Enterprise Mobility team. This organization is focused on supporting a modern workforce that operates in a world of continuously connected devices.…
Bill Buxton Keynote
[MP4] [0:57:17] [2016/12/16]Bill Buxton is a relentless advocate for innovation, design, and especially the appropriate consideration of human values, capacity, and culture in the conception, implementation, and use of new…
The Microsoft Story of DevOps
[MP4] [0:58:59] [2016/12/15]DevOps is more than a technology or a tool set. It's a mindset that requires cultural evolution. It is people, process and the right tools to make your application lifecycle faster and more…
Power BI From Data to Dashboard All up Demo!
[MP4] [1:07:52] [2016/12/15]Power BI is ever evolving, in this session we will walk thru and demo all the latest developments in Power BI while using the latest and greatest Azure has to offer in PAAS, Azure Data Warehouse,…
DevOps för mobila applikationer
[MP4] [0:55:12] [2016/12/14]Mobila applikationer ställer höga krav på förmåga att leverera lösningar med hög kvalitet till en marknad som ständigt förändras. Under seminariet går vi igenom vad DevOps är och hur ni kan…
Gör mer med Citrix i Microsoft Azure
[MP4] [0:51:43] [2016/12/14]Under hösten har Citrix gjort sina produkter tillgängliga i Microsoft Azure. Det här möjliggör helt nya scenarion där din organisation kan leverera applikationer till multipla enheter med hjälp av…
Go beyond the screen Delivering business value with holograms
[MP4] [0:36:22] [2016/12/14]This session will cover how we create business values for our customers with holograms and how holograms can make your processes more efficient. The session will cover how CGI's journey into…
The Microsoft Story of cloud
[MP4] [0:55:20] [2016/12/13]Cloud computing har genomgått ett antal olika faser av utveckling genom åren och historiken är det som formar framtiden. Vilka milstolpar har vi sett i utvecklingen på marknaden och hur har det…
The Microsoft Story of Data
[MP4] [0:54:27] [2016/12/13]I den här sessionen kommer Daniel undersöka hur data fungerar som bränsle åt den digitalisering vi ser hända runt omkring oss. Han kommer också gå djupare in på vad som gör Big Data annorlunda än…
Windows 10 Real World Customizations
[MP4] [0:58:08] [2016/12/13]Join Jörgen Nilsson and Johan Arwidmark in a session where we dive deep into common customizations that organizations are doing with the Windows 10 image, such as the Start menu, Edge/Internet…
Windows 10 Deployment Expert Level
[MP4] [0:59:12] [2016/12/13]This expert-level session includes more than an hour of live demos on how to build a Windows deployment solution based on MDT and ConfigMgr Current Branch. In the session, we take OS deployment to its…
Windows Server 2016 The Force Awakens
[MP4] [1:00:20] [2016/12/13]Windows Server 2016 is packed with new roles and features, both big and small. In this demo-filled session, you learn from the experts what the various new roles and features are and how you can use…
Microservices Journey: IoT, Azure, and SOA Whats Next for Distributed Systems
[MP4] [0:48:57] [2016/12/12]This session will be a journey through the evolution of modern software design – looking in particular at the impact of Azure and IoT on how modern distributed systems should be designed and built,…
How will Conversation as a Platform change the way we develop our applications?
[MP4] [0:57:50] [2016/12/12]"Conversation as a Platform is likely to change the way you communicate with your customers by bringing natural and contextual interactions into your applications. How will this impact us as…
ASP.NET Core Deep Dive
[MP4] [1:02:34] [2016/12/09]ASP.NET Core is a brand new cross-platform, open-source framework for building Web apps and APIs using .NET. In this session, we'll take a deep look into the important information that you need to…
To the cloud! From on-prem to multi-tenancy
[MP4] [0:57:49] [2016/12/09]Forrester Research predicted a sixfold increase in the cloud computing market by 2020. With all its promises and possibilities even the smallest of systems is tempted to make the move to the cloud…
Programming Languages of the Future: Which One Is Taking the Lead? C#? VB? F#?
[MP4] [0:54:27] [2016/12/09]Over the years Microsoft has invested a tremendous amount of effort into creating the best developer experience possible. Which of courses means that the programming languages evolve. VB.NET, F# and…
Höj säkerheten med Windows 10 och Azure-tjänster
[MP4] [0:59:09] [2016/12/09]En ny startmeny är inte allt, bakom skalet i Windows 10 döljer sig hög intelligens av säkerhetsfunktioner. Knyter vi an tjänster i Azure höjer vi ribban ytterligare!
Inblick, försmak, in i det nya Microsoft med ASP.NET Core
[MP4] [1:04:54] [2016/12/08].NET Core mer än en ny teknologi. Det är en inblick, försmak, in i det nya Microsoft, med open source och annat. Fredrik Normén kommer i denna session att gå genom många grundläggande delar i .Net…
Write TypeScript with Visual Studio Code
[MP4] [0:57:12] [2016/12/07]TypeScript is a typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to JavaScript. It's a free cross-platform, cross-browser, open source language that enables developers to build large scale enterprise…
Success with insights independent of data platform! Level 200
[MP4] [1:00:42] [2016/12/07]Cloud or no cloud, that is the question; the possibilities when it comes to data and analytics. Every company has already formed a cloud strategy for their data warehouse and is moving towards…
Successfully implementing Microsoft Enterprise Mobility Suite
[MP4] [1:02:06] [2016/12/07]In this session you will learn how to successfully plan, implement and evaluate the success of your upcoming Microsoft Enterprise Mobility Suite project. We will dive into planning cloud services,…
How to get started with Skype for Business Meeting Broadcast Level: 200
[MP4] [1:01:12] [2016/12/06]Heard about Meeting Broadcast in Office 365? It is available for all Enterprise licenses. You can use your regular Skype for Business client to stream your meeting to any device without any client…
Understanding Windows Containers
[MP4] [1:02:31] [2016/12/06]Windows Containers are coming in Windows Server 2016. But what are they? What should you do with them? And why should you care? This session will focus on providing crisp examples of how Windows…
Acronym soup explained: EMS, AAD, ECS, MDM, MAM, RMS, ATA, CAS
[MP4] [1:01:47] [2016/12/06]In this session Simon May, Principal Program Manager, Microsoft Intune, will help you understand why you should be using the Enterprise Mobility Suite to protect and secure your organization today.…
Azm dev AB
[MP4] [0:00:46] [2016/10/21]Azm dev AB, en av utställarna på Microsoft TechDays 2016, berättar vad de kommer visa i sin monter. Anmäl dig här: Techdays.se
Anders & Jörgen
[MP4] [0:01:16] [2016/10/21]Anders och Jörgen ger en tjuvtitt av några av säkerhetsfunktionerna i Windows 10 som de kommer visa på TechDays. Läs mer och anmäl dig till Microsoft TechDays på www.techdays.se
Bill Buxton at TechDays
[MP4] [0:03:35] [2016/10/11]While visiting the Bavarian landscape, Bill Buxton is preparing his presentation at TechDays. In this video he briefly talks about human interaction with technology. You'll hear more about his…
Get in the mood for Microsoft TechDays 2016
[MP4] [0:03:12] [2016/09/29]Get in the mood for Microsoft TechDays 2016 16-17 November and enjoy this video from last year's conference For more information and registration please visit www.techdays.se
Get in the mood for Microsoft TechDays
[MP4] [0:01:02] [2016/09/29]Get in the mood for Microsoft TechDays 2016 16-17 November and enjoy this video from last year's conference. For more information and registration please visit www.techdays.se
Brad Anderson
[MP4] [0:01:22] [2016/09/28]Come and meet Brad Anderson at Microsoft TechDays November 16th. Brad is Corporate Vice President within the Cloud & Enterprise Group. Their responsibility cover Server, Server Apps, Azure and Dev…
Pre-Conf: Universal Windows Platform
[MP4] [0:01:25] [2016/09/28]Universal Windows Platform - Hur du når 350 miljoner användare med en app Hur tar man sin app från desktop till telefon, Xbox och även Hololens i praktiken? Vi kommer gå från ax till limpa, varva…
Johan Arwidmark & Mikael Nyström
[MP4] [0:01:09] [2016/06/10]Johan Arwidmark & Mikael Nyström tells you about their preconf workshops and welcomes you to Techdays 2016 For more information and registration please visit www.techdays.se
HP Enterprise
[MP4] [0:01:43] [2016/06/08]Kom och träffa HP Enterprise på Techdays 2016. Läs mer och anmäl dig till Microsoft TechDays på www.techdays.se
Sopra Steria
[MP4] [0:00:28] [2016/06/08]Thobias Arnesson från Sopra Steria ser fram emot att träffa dig på Techdays 2016 Läs mer och anmäl dig till Microsoft TechDays på www.techdays.se
Pre-Conf: Webben vNext
[MP4] [0:00:53] [2016/05/24]Robert Folkesson, Jakob Ehn och Peter Örneholm berättar om sin Pre-Conference och varför du ska gå på denna. Läs mer och anmäl dig till Microsoft TechDays på www.techdays.se
Peter Örneholm
[MP4] [0:00:24] [2016/05/24]Peter Örneholm berättar varför han gillar TechDays och varför han tycker att du ska delta. Läs mer och anmäl dig till Microsoft TechDays på www.techdays.se
Karoline Klever
[MP4] [0:00:30] [2016/05/24]Due to unforeseen circumstances, Karoline will not be able to attend TechDays Sweden this year. Her colleague, David Lindblad, who is a Cloud Solution Architect at Microsoft Norway, will take over her…
Dux Raymond Sy
[MP4] [0:01:06] [2016/05/24]Dux tells you about his sessions on TechDays Sweden For more information and registration please visit www.techdays.se