Uncle Bob on Software Practice
[MP4] [0:20:36] [2015/09/04]Uncle Bob, one of the original creators of the Agile Manifesto, discusses software engineering practice and how the industry needs to evolve to have a culture of carefulness. It was a fascinating…
Moving your ASP.NET Cheese with Tugberk Ugurlu
[MP4] [0:14:32] [2015/09/03]In this interview Tugberk describes some of the changes coming up in the next version of ASP.NET.
Properly Testing Your Software with Todd Gardner
[MP4] [0:14:43] [2015/09/03]Todd Gardner discusses some really important principles having to do with testing your software. He also describes track.js a tool for tracking errors in your website. Enjoy!
Tech Poutporri with Scott Davis (Parenting, Xamarin, and Building a Mobile Game)
[MP4] [0:17:20] [2015/09/03]In this interview Scott talks about a number of things including how he got his daughter into tech speaking, using Xamarin to build his game, and his experience in running a mobile gamin startup. He…
On Building Good API's with Mike Stowe
[MP4] [0:09:42] [2015/09/03]Mike Stowe describes some tips for building good API's. He also describes RAML a new restful API Modeling Language through a great interactive example. Take a look!
Creating Applications with Ionic Creator Max Lynch
[MP4] [0:11:39] [2015/09/03]In this video I had the privilege of talking to the Ionic Framework creator Max Lynch on developing applications with the same. It was great to get his perspective on the purpose of Ionic as well as…
UX Survival Guide with Kelley Muir
[MP4] [0:12:25] [2015/09/03]Kelley was gracious enough to discuss some of the principles she taught when running her UX workshop for developers. There was some really cool concepts that she explained through a concrete example…
On Using Git with Posh-Git Creator Keith Dahlby
[MP4] [0:21:56] [2015/09/03]In this video Keith discusses the functionality that comes with Posh-Git, an open source project to augment Powershell with Git commands and tooling. This is especially cool given the fact that he…
Indexing Your Database with Jes Borland
[MP4] [0:16:38] [2015/09/03]Jes knows more about SQL Server than almost everyone I know. It was awesome being able to ask questions of such a talented engineer. In this video she discusses some of the fundamentals of setting up…
Understanding Angular with James Bender
[MP4] [0:14:17] [2015/09/03]James is a well know and respected developer. In this video he describes why he chooses Angular to make applications. He also spends some time describing how Angular applications are built.
On Speaking at ThatConference (as a Teenager)
[MP4] [0:05:57] [2015/09/03]I was completely blown away at the confidence and ability of such a young person! Emily describes the process of speaking at ThatConference as well her excitement for helping young developers get…
ASP.NET on Linux
[MP4] [0:09:05] [2015/09/03]In this video Chris Risner describes how to get started with ASP.NET on a non-Windows environment. He also describes some of the tooling associated with this type of development. Pretty cool stuff!
Principles of Game Design with Chris Gardner
[MP4] [0:08:35] [2015/09/03]This was an interesting interview for me! Chris details some of the common principles one should consider when beginning the process of creating a game. The principles are widely accessible and help…
Facilitating Open Spaces
[MP4] [0:17:22] [2015/09/03]In this interview Alan Stevens describes how to facilitate opens spaces for creating discussion in either a business environment, user group, or large conference. It is a tremendous way to leverage…
Understanding Message Queues with Al Zaudtke
[MP4] [0:13:19] [2015/09/03]In this video Al spends some time discussing message queues, the patterns you can set up, and the benefits of using this type of architecture.
Developing Websites with node.js and Azure
[MP4] [0:25:12] [2015/09/03]In this video Sarah walks us through building your first node.js from the beginning all the way to deploying it on Azure. Her thoroughness is absolutely refreshing!
In Introduction to Telerik's NativeScript
[MP4] [0:12:33] [2015/09/03]In this video Sam takes some time to explain NativeScript in depth. He also describes how to build a native mobile application using JavaScript. I know that sounds funny, but he totally pays it off.…
ThatConference from Richard Campbell's Perspective
[MP4] [0:14:30] [2015/09/03]Richard has been involved with ThatConference since its inception. He discusses its origins and the future of the conference. He also specifically devles into the notion of involving kids in these…
Cortana on a Raspberry Pi 2 with Windows 10 IoT Core
[MP4] [0:10:06] [2015/09/03]In this video Paul introduces Windows 10 IoT core with a really cool sample project. He starts by showing us how to install Windows 10 on a Raspberry Pi and moves on to show us a really cool demo with…
Women in Technology with Morgan McRory
[MP4] [0:10:42] [2015/09/03]Morgan was kind enough to spend some time discussing some strategies for women and minorities to excel in technology. Morgan's approach is extremely refreshing and educational for me. Enjoy!
Benefits of Using Ionic with Matt Ridley
[MP4] [0:06:45] [2015/09/03]In this video Matt takes us through building mobile hybrid apps using the Ionic SDK. He discusses the stack as well as some of the benefits that come when building apps with Ionic.
The Ionic Creator Program
[MP4] [0:06:09] [2015/09/03]Matt spends some time discussing the Ionic Creator Program built on the popular Ionic SDK for creating mobile hybrid apps. To learn more go to creator.ionic.io.
Building Great API's with Kirsten Hunter
[MP4] [0:08:53] [2015/09/03]In this video Kirsten takes us through some interesting principles when building API's.
Behavior Driven Development with Keith Casey
[MP4] [0:09:26] [2015/09/03]Keith describes behavior driven development as well as how one would go about implementing it in their own projects.
NativeScript with Jen Looper
[MP4] [0:10:48] [2015/09/03]Jen was kind enough to take us through creating a Native app using NativeScript, a Telerik technology for developing mobile applications.
Principles for Building Touch Interactions with David Washington
[MP4] [0:12:42] [2015/09/03]David spends some time discussing some important principles when designing apps that use touch.
A Crash-Course in node.js with David Neal
[MP4] [0:08:28] [2015/09/03]David Neal discusses some interesting getting-started type principles with node.js
Microsoft is Open with Dave Giard
[MP4] [0:07:58] [2015/09/03]In this interview Dave discusses some of the open technologies Microsoft supports directly in Azure.
The Beginnings of ThatConference
[MP4] [0:18:53] [2015/09/03]Clark Sell, one of the organizers of ThatConference, spends some time discussing the origins of ThatConference. He also talks about his goal of involving kids into technology by making sure there is a…
What's New in C# 6 with Bill Wagner
[MP4] [0:14:04] [2015/09/03]Bill Wagner is a seasoned C# developer who spent some time discussing some of the new things in C# 6. He discusses some of the "fit-and-finish" features as well as what Roslyn has done to…
Understanding Impostor Syndrome
[MP4] [0:12:09] [2015/09/03]It was wonderful to spend some time discussing Impostor Syndrome with Angela Dugan. She goes through some of the signs as well as ways to work through some of the emotions associated with Impostor…
Audio in HTML5 with Tony Gemoll
[MP4] [0:05:46] [2015/09/03]Tony spends some time discussing some of the audio capabilities available in HTML5. Surprising to me was the fact that there is more than play, stop and fast forward!
Unit Testing Asynchronous Code with Stephen Cleary
[MP4] [0:10:04] [2015/09/03]In this interview Stephen gives some really useful tips for Unit Testing asynchronous code. I found the concepts he discussed particularly useful given the fact that we are moving more and more…
On Being an Entrepeneur
[MP4] [0:08:35] [2015/09/03]Ondrej Balas is a successful business owner in the tech industry who I've know for a long time. He spends some time discussing ways to improve ourselves at conferences, user groups, as well as in your…
Nik Molnar (Re) Introduces us to Glimpse
[MP4] [0:14:59] [2015/09/03]Nik is generally an awesome person. In this video he takes us through an open source diagnostic platform for the web called Glimpse. It is fantastically easy to use and provides an F12 client like…
Chef with Matt Stratton
[MP4] [0:25:29] [2015/09/03]This was indeed a treat for me! Matt is a Senior Solutions Architect at Chef who pretty much answers all of my DevOps type questions and shows off Chef to boot. Pretty informative stuff!
Angular 2 with Joe Eames
[MP4] [0:20:40] [2015/09/03]In this video Joe shows us some of the differences between Angular 1 and 2. It was truly enlightening to get a good demo as well to help see the differences.
Jimmy Bogard Tackles 5 Random Questions
[MP4] [0:11:45] [2015/09/03]Nik Molnar had a great interview idea: create a set of 10 or so topics and randomly have Jimmy spend a couple of minutes on 5 of them. He covers things ranging from AngularJS to Peanut Butter…
Project Recovery Tips with JC Grubbs
[MP4] [0:07:06] [2015/09/03]JC Brubbs takes us through some of the warning signs that projects are going off the rails along with great tips for getting things back on track (see what I did there?).
Windows IoT Core with G. Andrew Duthie
[MP4] [0:13:57] [2015/09/03]G. Andrew Duthie, also known as @devhammer, discusses developing IoT type applications using Windows 10. He also shows off a couple of configurations to get started in this space with the Raspberry Pi…
Integrating Cortana Speech Recognition in your App with Danny Warren
[MP4] [0:15:21] [2015/09/03]Danny does an excellent job of taking us through the process of integrating speech recognition into our applications using Cortana. He first describes how to set up the voice commands and then shows…
Cory House on ReactJS
[MP4] [0:19:45] [2015/09/03]Cory was kind enough to spend some time introducing React through a simple example. He also describes how React co-mingles the markup and the code by using JSX. It was a fascinating explanation and…
Bradley Holt on NoSQL
[MP4] [0:11:46] [2015/09/03]Bradley spends some time discussing the different types of NoSQL databases available and why you might choose one type over another.