Oren Eini on RavenDB
[MP4] [0:49:44] [2016/07/27]I had the privilege of talking to Oren about RavenDB. It was awesome to get his perspective on building that type of software. I hope you enjoy the conversation as much as I did! Oren EiniRavenDB
Kasia Mrowca on Reducing Feature Gluttony and Big Data
[MP4] [0:16:01] [2016/07/26]I had the privilege of talking to Kasia Mrowca about how to go about reducing feature gluttony in our software projects. Her incisive analysis was both enlightening and eye opening. Her suggestions…
Christos Matskas on Open Source and Community
[MP4] [0:07:28] [2016/06/25]In this video I had the chance to speak with Christos Matskas a long time developer turned Azure Developer Engineer helping teams to get the best out of the cloud. Christos speaks about his upcoming…
Hadi Hariri on Rider, a new Cross Platform C# IDE
[MP4] [0:15:46] [2016/05/03]Hadi was kind enough to spend some time with me on a brand new cross platform C# IDE called Rider. It is pretty amazing the kind of work the community does around C#. It is indeed a marvelous…
Dominick Baier on Identity Server
[MP4] [0:43:18] [2016/04/15]I have known Dominick for several years. I finally decided to dive into exactly the purpose of IdentityServer: what it is and exactly how one would use it. The notion of an online identity turns out…
Troy Hunt on Security
[MP4] [0:29:34] [2016/04/15]In this video Troy Hunt discusses several important security concepts. He also spent some time talking about a special service he created on Azure to help people know if they've been hacked! Every…
K. Scott Allen on Angular 2
[MP4] [0:27:37] [2016/04/14]The prolific K. Scott Allen spent some time with me in London discussing the current trajectory of technology. He also took a deep dive into Angular 2. He is so good at explaining these kinds of…
Felienne Hermans on Functional Excel and Graphical Languages
[MP4] [0:23:53] [2016/03/19]Felienne Hermans spent some time blowing my mind on some of the underlying functional concepts exposed in Excel. Essentially she describes Excel as a graphical language and goes through some…
Evelina Gabasova on Machine Learning
[MP4] [0:19:13] [2016/03/09]I had the privilege of spending some time with Evelina on the rudiments of Machine Learning, the process behind the craft, and her wonderfully interesting cancer research. I was literally smarter…
Ben Hall on Docker
[MP4] [0:28:13] [2016/03/08]In this video Ben Hall discusses docker from A to Zed (see what I did there?). It was a very enlightening 30 minutes on the innards of Docker and how to think about containerization in general. We…