Event - RFinance_RFinance-2017

Conclusion of R/Finance and Thanks To Diethelm[MP4] [0:04:14] [2017/05/24]
Applied Finance with RFrom the inaugural conference in 2009, the annual R/Finance conference in Chicago has become the primary meeting for academics and practioners interested in using R in Finance.…

Closing Session: Bryon Lewis - Project and Conquer[MP4] [0:18:48] [2017/05/24]
Bryan Lewis: Project and conquer Prizes and Feedback Conclusion

Detecting Fraud at 1 Million Transactions per Second[MP4] [0:23:25] [2017/05/24]
Applied Finance with RFrom the inaugural conference in 2009, the annual R/Finance conference in Chicago has become the primary meeting for academics and practioners interested in using R in Finance.…

Risk Fast and Slow[MP4] [0:48:08] [2017/05/24]
Applied Finance with RFrom the inaugural conference in 2009, the annual R/Finance conference in Chicago has become the primary meeting for academics and practioners interested in using R in Finance.…

The PE package: Modeling private equity in the 21st century[MP4] [0:21:32] [2017/05/24]
Applied Finance with RFrom the inaugural conference in 2009, the annual R/Finance conference in Chicago has become the primary meeting for academics and practioners interested in using R in Finance.…

The Market for English Premier League (EPL) Odds[MP4] [0:17:42] [2017/05/24]
Applied Finance with RFrom the inaugural conference in 2009, the annual R/Finance conference in Chicago has become the primary meeting for academics and practioners interested in using R in Finance.…

Lightning Talks II (Day 2)[MP4] [0:32:11] [2017/05/24]
Michael Weylandt: Convex Optimization for High-Dimensional Portfolio Construction Lukas Elmiger: Risk Parity Under Parameter Uncertainty Ilya Kipnis: Global Adaptive Asset Allocation, and the Possible…

Riccardo Porreca and Maisa Aniceto[MP4] [0:11:45] [2017/05/24]
Riccardo Porreca: Efficient, Consistent and Flexible Credit Default Simulation Maisa Aniceto: Machine Learning and the Analysis of Consumer Lending

MLEMVD: A R Package for Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Multivariate Diffusion Models[MP4] [0:16:57] [2017/05/24]
Applied Finance with RFrom the inaugural conference in 2009, the annual R/Finance conference in Chicago has become the primary meeting for academics and practioners interested in using R in Finance.…

Forecasting Performance of Markov-Switching GARCH Models: A Large-Scale Empirical Study[MP4] [0:16:19] [2017/05/24]
Applied Finance with RFrom the inaugural conference in 2009, the annual R/Finance conference in Chicago has become the primary meeting for academics and practioners interested in using R in Finance.…

Lightning Talks I (Day 2)[MP4] [0:32:17] [2017/05/24]
Stephen Bronder: Integrating Forecasting and Machine Learning in the mlr Framework Leopoldo Catania: Generalized Autoregressive Score Models in R: The GAS Package Guanhao Feng: Regularizing Bayesian…

Reproducible Finance with R: A Global ETF Map[MP4] [0:16:50] [2017/05/24]
Applied Finance with RFrom the inaugural conference in 2009, the annual R/Finance conference in Chicago has become the primary meeting for academics and practioners interested in using R in Finance.…

Markov-Switching GARCH Models in R: The MSGARCH Package[MP4] [0:13:46] [2017/05/24]
Applied Finance with RFrom the inaugural conference in 2009, the annual R/Finance conference in Chicago has become the primary meeting for academics and practioners interested in using R in Finance.…

Scenario Analysis of Risk Parity using RcppParallel[MP4] [0:18:44] [2017/05/24]
Applied Finance with RFrom the inaugural conference in 2009, the annual R/Finance conference in Chicago has become the primary meeting for academics and practioners interested in using R in Finance.…

A Bayesian Multivariate Functional Dynamic Linear Model[MP4] [0:17:26] [2017/05/24]
Applied Finance with RFrom the inaugural conference in 2009, the annual R/Finance conference in Chicago has become the primary meeting for academics and practioners interested in using R in Finance.…

yuimaGUI: A graphical user interface for the yuima package[MP4] [0:12:32] [2017/05/24]
Applied Finance with RFrom the inaugural conference in 2009, the annual R/Finance conference in Chicago has become the primary meeting for academics and practioners interested in using R in Finance.…

Syberia: A development framework for R[MP4] [0:21:28] [2017/05/24]
Applied Finance with RFrom the inaugural conference in 2009, the annual R/Finance conference in Chicago has become the primary meeting for academics and practioners interested in using R in Finance.…

Lightning Talks III (Day 1)[MP4] [0:29:57] [2017/05/24]
Oliver Haynold: Practical Options Modeling with the sn Package, Fat Tails, and How to Avoid the Ultraviolet Catastrophe Shuang Zhou: A Nonparametric Estimate of the Risk-Neutral Density and Its…

No-Bullshit Data Science[MP4] [0:42:11] [2017/05/24]
Applied Finance with RFrom the inaugural conference in 2009, the annual R/Finance conference in Chicago has become the primary meeting for academics and practioners interested in using R in Finance.…

Lightning Talks II (Day 1)[MP4] [0:32:43] [2017/05/23]
Francesco Bianchi: Measuring Risk with Continuous Time Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity Models Eina Ooka: Bunched Random Forest in Monte Carlo Risk Simulation Matteo Crimella:…

Closing Sessions: Matt Dancho, Leonardo Silvestri[MP4] [0:12:04] [2017/05/23]
Matt Dancho: New Tools for Performing Financial Analysis Within the 'Tidy' Ecosystem Leonardo Silvestri: ztsdb, a time-series DBMS for R users

Nearest Comoment Estimation with Unobserved Factors and Linear Shrinkage[MP4] [0:18:56] [2017/05/23]
Applied Finance with RFrom the inaugural conference in 2009, the annual R/Finance conference in Chicago has become the primary meeting for academics and practioners interested in using R in Finance.…

Text analysis using Apache MxNet[MP4] [0:16:16] [2017/05/23]
Applied Finance with RFrom the inaugural conference in 2009, the annual R/Finance conference in Chicago has become the primary meeting for academics and practioners interested in using R in Finance.…

R package: mcrp: Multiple criteria risk contribution optimization[MP4] [0:22:26] [2017/05/23]
Applied Finance with RFrom the inaugural conference in 2009, the annual R/Finance conference in Chicago has become the primary meeting for academics and practioners interested in using R in Finance.…

Zero-Revelation RegTech: Detecting Risk through Linguistic Analysis of Corporate Emails and News[MP4] [0:15:57] [2017/05/23]
Applied Finance with RFrom the inaugural conference in 2009, the annual R/Finance conference in Chicago has become the primary meeting for academics and practioners interested in using R in Finance.…

Equity Factor Portfolio Case Study[MP4] [0:23:15] [2017/05/23]
Applied Finance with RFrom the inaugural conference in 2009, the annual R/Finance conference in Chicago has become the primary meeting for academics and practioners interested in using R in Finance.…

Revealing High-Frequency Trading Provisions of Liquidity with Visualization in R[MP4] [0:19:48] [2017/05/23]
Applied Finance with RFrom the inaugural conference in 2009, the annual R/Finance conference in Chicago has become the primary meeting for academics and practioners interested in using R in Finance.…

Kickoff and Lightning Talks I (Day 1)[MP4] [0:37:07] [2017/05/23]
Marcelo Perlin: GetHFData: An R package for downloading and aggregating high frequency trading data from Bovespa Jeffrey Mazar: The obmodeling Package Yuting Tan: Return Volatility, Market…