Closing Notes
[MP4] [0:03:57] [2017/07/06]In this Channel 9 Live session we wrap up day 3 of PyData 2017
BrainDrain: Using Machine Learning and Brain Waves to Detect Errors in Human Problem Solving
[MP4] [0:36:00] [2017/07/06]As more medical devices become cheaper and readily available to the public, they can be used in everyday life. The Muse Headband is an EEG machine that provides realtime measurements of brain waves.…
Channel 9 Live interview with George Richardson
[MP4] [0:10:38] [2017/07/06]In this session we meet with George Richardson to discuss his talk around Python from a humanitarian perspective.
JupyterLab+Real Time Collaboration
[MP4] [0:43:33] [2017/07/06]Coming soon
Keynote: Interactive Data Analysis: Visualization and Beyond
[MP4] [0:55:23] [2017/07/06]Data analysis is a complex process with frequent shifts among data formats, tools and models, as well as between symbolic and visual thinking. How might the design of improved tools accelerate…
The Future of Jupyter
[MP4] [0:09:36] [2017/07/06]In this Channel 9 Live session we meet with Brian Granger to discuss the future of Jupyter
Interview with Elo Tran on diversity
[MP4] [0:14:56] [2017/07/06]Join us for this Channel 9 Live interview from PyData 2017 with Elo Tran as we discuss all things diversity
bqplot - Interactive Data Visualization in Jupyter
[MP4] [0:39:46] [2017/07/06]bqplot is an interactive 2D plotting library for the Jupyter notebook in which every attribute of the plot is an interactive widget. bqplot can be linked with other Jupyter widgets to create rich…
Building a community fountain around your data stream
[MP4] [0:42:51] [2017/07/06]The increasing availability of real-time data sources and the Internet of Things movement have pushed data analysis pipelines towards stream processing. But what does this really mean for my…
Sirbarksalot: Bark Detection in Python
[MP4] [0:24:29] [2017/07/06]My wife and I have two dachshunds, Cody and Caylee. Cody in particular loves to bark and we do a lot to mitigate his barking when we are home. However, when we are at work, we have no idea how much…
Keynote: Accelerating AI Development
[MP4] [0:56:42] [2017/07/06]In Day 2 of PyData Seattle Joseph Sirosh, CVP of Data, kicks off the day with his keynote highlighting the past, present and future of AI Development.
Opening Notes
[MP4] [0:08:27] [2017/07/06]Join us as we kick off day 3 of PyData 2017
Closing Notes
[MP4] [0:03:00] [2017/07/06]Join us as we wrap up day 2 of PyData 2017
Chatbots - Past Present and Future
[MP4] [0:35:33] [2017/07/06]In the past few months, chatbots have made headlines and have become a much-required interface for communication. In this talk, we will discuss three aspects of chatbots: 1) How chatbots have evolved…
Big data processing with Apache Beam
[MP4] [0:37:54] [2017/07/06]Currently some popular data processing frameworks such as Apache Spark consider batch and stream processing jobs independently. The APIs across different processing systems such as Apache Spark or…
The PyData Pub Quiz
[MP4] [0:16:56] [2017/07/06]In this session we chat with James Powell about the PyData Pub Quiz in the evening and all the fun to be had
Python and IoT: From Chips and Bits to Data Science
[MP4] [0:34:25] [2017/07/06]Ever want to know what is behind the "Internet of Things" hype? I wanted to as well, so I embarked on a side project to learn more. This talk is the story of my journey, using, of course, my…
Robust Automated Forecasting in Python and R
[MP4] [0:42:43] [2017/07/06]This talk will cover how to make millions of time series forecasts in an automated fashion. We will be covering helpful heuristics to inform preprocessing, tradeoffs between contextual evaluation…
[MP4] [0:52:57] [2017/07/06]Coming soon
Channel 9 Live interview with Andy Terrel
[MP4] [0:24:43] [2017/07/06]Join us as we discuss NumFOCUS with Andy Terrel on Channel 9 Live
Python at Microsoft
[MP4] [0:25:10] [2017/07/06]Join us as we speak with Shahrokh Mortazavi on Channel 9 Live about Python at Microsoft
Pandas, Pipelines, and Custom Transformers
[MP4] [0:34:39] [2017/07/06]For data science in python, the pandas DataFrame is a common choice to store and manipulate data sets. It has named columns, each of which can contain a different data type, and an index to identify…
Designing for guidance in machine learning
[MP4] [0:42:50] [2017/07/06]Machine learning systems are getting better and better at tasks that we used to think only humans could be good at. I can write a program to look at an image of an animal and tell you whether it’s a…
Scalable Data Science in Python and R on Apache Spark
[MP4] [0:42:44] [2017/07/06]In the world of Data Science, Python and R are very popular. Apache Spark is a highly scalable data platform. How could a Data Scientist integrate Spark into their existing Data Science toolset? How…
Data Science in Production
[MP4] [0:56:31] [2017/07/06]Katrina Rieh kicks off PyData in Seattle with her keynote about her experience with Python and Data Science in production. Katrina is a Senior Manager for the Global Data Science team at…
Opening notes
[MP4] [0:09:11] [2017/07/06]Join us as we kick off day 2 of PyData 2017