Keynote: PowerShell Then and Now
[MP4] [0:30:14] [2016/11/18]Jeffrey Snover and Kenneth Hansen have been driving PowerShell since the beginning. They will talk about the vision that drove Monad into PowerShell, and reminisce a bit on what it was like to bring a…
PowerShell Code Golf - status update2
[MP4] [0:07:25] [2016/11/12]Keith and Matt will review who's on top, who's currently winning the contest, and how to check your code against the test available for it.
PowerShell Code Golf contest - status update
[MP4] [0:11:38] [2016/11/12]Keith and Matt will review who's on top, who's currently winning the contest, and how to check your code against the test available for it.
Manage Your Garden Sprinkler and Your Mood With PowerShell
[MP4] [0:29:05] [2016/11/11]This session is about real-world experiences from people using PowerShell in production, a way how to manage garden sprinklers and a possibility to change peoples moods with PowerShell. The session is…
PowerShell 10th Anniversary Celebration Kickoff
[MP4] [0:15:05] [2016/11/02]The Celebration begins! As surprising as it seems, PowerShell has been around for 10 full years, and has collected a huge and enthusiastic community of contributors. Join Matt McSpirit and Keith…
SQL Server Cmdlets and Community Involvement
[MP4] [0:31:03] [2016/11/02]The updated SQL Server cmdlets were created in a collaboration between the product team and the community. That kind of collaboration is somewhat new to Microsoft, and the result was fantastic.…
PowerShell Evolution
[MP4] [0:24:53] [2016/11/02]Richard Siddaway will show about how the use of PowerShell has changed since version 1 to the latest 5.x update. He'll show the transition from using [ADSI] scripting vs AD cmdlets, using WMI vs…
The Scripting Guy Talks-PowerShell Community Then and Now
[MP4] [0:23:02] [2016/11/02]Ed Wilson (the Scripting Guy) will talk about the state of the PowerShell community 10 years ago and now, and the evolution along the way.
Open Source & Community Contributions
[MP4] [0:30:23] [2016/11/02]Ryan Yates is a prolific contributor to the recently-published PowerShell open source project. He'll be talking about community contributions, both for PowerShell and beyond, and how the input is…
Provision a MineCraft Server with PowerShell DSC
[MP4] [0:20:51] [2016/11/02]Some things are seriously fun. Zach Alexander, a PM on the PowerShell team, will show you how to use PowerShell DSC to quickly and easily provision your own MineCraft server in Azure. He will talk…
Highlights from the PowerShell Conferences
[MP4] [0:11:42] [2016/11/02]The great members of our community that put on the PowerShell Conferences in Asia, Europe, and the US will talk about these amazing events, and give a glimpse into what people saw who attended…
Future Directions for PowerShell
[MP4] [0:25:23] [2016/11/02]Where is PowerShell headed next? PowerShell is now an open source project that is being delivered not just on Windows but on Linux and Mac platforms as well. So what does that mean to this platform…
PowerShell 10th Anniversary Wrap-Up
[MP4] [0:21:43] [2016/11/02]Matt McSpirit and Keith Bankston will finish out the celebration for PowerShell, showing some highlights from teams around the world who have been celebrating with us. Awards will be announced for the…
PowerShell's Senior Team Remembers
[MP4] [0:58:56] [2016/11/02]There are 10 people in the PowerShell team who have been working with on the project for 10 years or more. This group includes the authors, speakers, and core members that you are all familiar with -…
Day in the Life of a Github maintainer and committee member
[MP4] [0:25:26] [2016/11/02]How we manage the contributions coming in to Github/PowerShell is not as easy as it seems. Joey Aiello and other committee members will talk about what it is they do, and why it matters to the future…
PowerShell For My Tesla
[MP4] [0:10:51] [2016/11/02]If it can be managed from a PC, someone will figure out how to do that using PowerShell. Two Tesla and PowerShell enthusiasts came up with the same concept: interacting with the Tesla remotely using…
PowerShell and Azure Automation
[MP4] [0:23:59] [2016/11/02]The PowerShell team recently joined the Azure organization as part of the Operations Management Suite group. This session shows how PowerShell contributes to the future of Azure management, and shows…
PowerShell and the REST of the Things
[MP4] [0:30:37] [2016/11/02]Sebastian Szumigalski joins Paul Amazona as he demonstrates how you can interact with IOT devices, today using PowerShell and REST. He'll show you how you can connect to these devices from your PC,…
Controlling Azure with a PowerShell Cloudbot
[MP4] [0:26:16] [2016/11/02]Ben Hodge is one of the organizers for PowerShell Summit Asia, and a PowerShell enthusiast. Join him as he shows how you can build ChatOps for Azure with PowerShell, Slack, AzureBot, GitHub and…