Microsoft Graph - Build insightful and intelligent applications
[MP4] [0:36:15] [2017/06/29]The Microsoft Graph API will transform the way you and your customers work. The Graph brings together data and functionality from key Microsoft services into a single API. Developers can easily build…
Choosing the right ML algorithm
[MP4] [1:00:54] [2017/06/29]The Microsoft Azure Machine Learning Algorithm Cheat Sheet helps you choose the right machine learning algorithm for your predictive analytics solutions from the Microsoft Azure Machine Learning…
Azure Machine Learning Tutorial
[MP4] [1:51:24] [2017/06/29]Microsoft Azure Machine Learning Studio is a collaborative, drag-and-drop tool you can use to build, test, and deploy predictive analytics solutions on your data. Machine Learning Studio publishes…
SQL Server R Services for Data Science Professionals
[MP4] [2:00:56] [2017/06/29]Learn how to use the R programming language to do in-database analytics with SQL Server R Services. You will learn about the architecture and best practices.
Cortana Intelligence Solutions
[MP4] [0:44:13] [2017/06/29]Overview of available Cortana Intelligence Solutions and Tutorials. Will demonstrate deploying end-to-end solutions into Azure Subscriptions and how that can help the users understand what is…
Going serverless with Azure Functions and more
[MP4] [0:19:39] [2017/06/29]Serverless computing promises agility and power in building the next generation of solutions. In this session we will talk about the available technologies for going serverless, principles for when…
Power BI
[MP4] [0:24:15] [2017/06/29]Overview of the Power BI cloud-based business analytics service that enables anyone to visualize and analyze data with greater speed, efficiency, and understanding. Demonstrate how it connects users…
[MP4] [2:16:34] [2017/06/29] 目前 Facebook Messenger、WhatsApp 和 LINE 的使用者加起來已超過 27 億人,而手機使用者每天有超過 90% 以上的時間都花在使用聊天通訊軟體及平台,越來越多使用者開始減少手機內的 App 數量,只留下少數黏著度高的應用程式,例如聊天通訊 App。所以當您要打造一個新的商業應用時,應該嘗試連結使用者最多的聊天通訊平台,創造更高的效益! …
Big Data
[MP4] [0:34:59] [2017/06/29]Overview of the Big Data cloud-based services on Azure. Come learn about HDInsight, Data Lake, SQL Data Warehouse, and other services that help you capture, curate, and consume Big Data.
SQL Server R Services (Demo)
[MP4] [0:29:53] [2017/06/29]Learn how to use the R programming language to do in-database analytics with SQL Server R Services. You will learn about the architecture and best practices.
Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit
[MP4] [0:30:27] [2017/06/29]Learn more about the Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit—previously known as CNTK—to harness the intelligence within massive datasets through deep learning by languages and algorithms you already use
Bot Framework and LUIS
[MP4] [0:39:59] [2017/06/28]Learn more about Language Understanding Intelligent Services (LUIS) to brings the power of machine learning to your apps
Data Science and Machine Learning
[MP4] [0:45:01] [2017/06/28]Learn the basics of the data science process, from asking the right question, to choosing and evaluating a model, and deploying it as an API. We'll use Azure Machine Learning to implement the process…
Making your apps more human: Artificial intelligence and Microsoft Cognitive Services
[MP4] [0:41:39] [2017/06/28]Learn how APIs for computer vision, facial recognition, and text analysis can enhance your apps and delight users
The future of the Microsoft Data and IoT Platform
[MP4] [1:06:00] [2017/06/28]由 Microsoft IoT Innovation Center Principal Program Manager Cathy Yeh 介紹微軟在資料分析與物聯網的願景與藍圖。
Office 365 as a Platform
[MP4] [0:45:30] [2017/06/28]A developer oriented view of Office as a Platform. Learn how to extend the Office user experience and take advantage of the data, insights, and intelligence that the Office platform provides.