Securing Authentication
[MP4] [0:40:52] [2015/06/04]Michiko Short, Senior Program Manager, delivered a presentation during the Redmond Protocols Plugfest 2014 event. Topics including securing credentials, mitigating "pass the hash"…
HeartBleed Bug and Private Key Extraction
[MP4] [0:34:44] [2015/02/11]Mikko Varpiola, Codenomicon Developer, provided a walk through of some of the learnings from the HeartBleed security bug as well as the Private Key Extraction operations and security vulnerability…
Protocol Test Suites
[MP4] [0:23:42] [2015/01/09]Yuqing Zhao, Protocol Test Suite Developer, delivered a talk on Protocol Test Suites to the attendees of the Redmond Interoperability Protocols Plugfest 2014.
SharePoint, WOPI and FSS Test Suites
[MP4] [0:27:41] [2014/09/24]Jinghui Zhang, Software Design Engineer in Test, delivered a talk covering the SharePoint, WOPI and FSS test suites to the attendees of the Redmond Interoperability Protocols Plugfest 2014.
Private Cloud Simulation Tests
[MP4] [0:15:32] [2014/08/16]Vipin Duleb, Software Engineer, presented a talk on Private Cloud Simulation Tests including HyperV storage operations using the SMB2&3 protocols to the attendees of the Redmond Interoperability…
Introduction to Windows Test Suites
[MP4] [0:29:33] [2014/07/31]Guoqing Li, Senior Test Lead, presented an Introduction to the Windows Test Suites available to the attendees of the Redmond Interoperability Protocol Plugfest 2014.
Outlook Automation
[MP4] [0:27:46] [2014/07/31]Julien Kerihuel, the founder of the Open Change Project presented talk on Outlook Automation to the attendees of the Redmond Interoperability Protocols Plugfest 2014.
Open Stack CI Test Lab
[MP4] [0:37:01] [2014/07/22]Neil Martin, Principal Test Manager, delivered a talk on Open Stack CI Test Lab to the attendees of the Redmond Interoperability Protocols Plugfest 2014.
Lync Protocols
[MP4] [0:22:21] [2014/07/19]Jinlin Xu, Software Design Engineer in Test presented a talk on Lync Protocols to the attendees of the Redmond Interoperability Protocols Plugfest 2014.
Server Based File Storage
[MP4] [0:54:25] [2014/07/19]Jose Baretto, Principal PM Manager, delivered a talk on Server Based File Storage to the attendees of the Redmond Interoperability Protocols Plugfest 2014.
Dynamic Access Control
[MP4] [1:17:20] [2014/07/19]Dave McPherson, Senior Program Manager, delivered a talk on Dynamic Access Control to the attendees of the Redmond Interoperability Protocols Plugfest 2014.
[MP4] [0:22:46] [2014/07/19]Matt Stehle, ISV Developer Consultant, presented a demo of EWS & MAPIHTTP to the attendees of the Redmond Interoperability Protocols Plugfest 2014.
AZOD CBAC Scenario
[MP4] [0:20:31] [2014/07/19]Vivian Tian Software Design Engineer in Test, presented a talk on the AZOD CBAC Scenario to the attendees of the Redmond Interoperability Protocols Plugfest 2014.
Device Enterprise Client
[MP4] [0:58:27] [2014/07/19]Senior Program Manager Jane Yan delivered a talk on Device Enterprise Client to the attendees of the Redmond Interoperability Protocols Plugfest 2014.
SharePoint Protocol Overview
[MP4] [0:30:07] [2014/07/19]Hector Sandino, Q/A Manager, presented an overview of the SharePoint protocol to the attendees of the Redmond Interoperability Protocols Plugfest 2014.
Office Interoperability Case Study
[MP4] [0:21:01] [2014/07/17]Jinghui Zhang, Software Design Engineer in Test, presented an Office Interoperability Case Study to the attendees of the Redmond Interoperability Protocols Plugfest 2014.
Protocol Test Framework and Architecture
[MP4] [0:26:58] [2014/07/17]Guoqing Li, Senior Test Lead, presented a talk on Protocol Test Framework and Architecture to the attendees of the Redmond Interoperability Protocols Plugfest 2014.
Exchange Web Services
[MP4] [0:48:38] [2014/07/17]Matt Stehle, ISV Developer Consultant, presented a talk on Exchange Web Services (EWS) to the attendees of the Redmond Interoperability Protocols Plugfest 2014.
Exchange REST APIs
[MP4] [0:36:57] [2014/07/17]Rohit Nagarmal, Senior Program Manager, presented a talk on Exchange REST APIs to the attendees of the Redmond Interoperability Protocols Plugfest 2014.
OAuth Access to Exchange
[MP4] [1:04:05] [2014/07/17]Matthias Leibmann, Principal Program Manager, delivered a talk on OAuth Access to Exchange to the attendees of the Redmond Interoperability Protocols Plugfest 2014.
[MP4] [0:19:02] [2014/07/17]Jinlin Xu, Software Design Engineer in Test presented a talk on the MS-OXNSPI protocol to the attendees of the Redmond Interoperability Protocols Plugfest 2014.
[MP4] [0:49:21] [2014/07/17]Joe Warren, Principal Software Design Engineer, presented a talk on the MS-OXCMAPIHTTP protocol to the attendees of the Redmond Interoperability Protocols Plugfest 2014.
Multi-SystemLab Evaluation Tests 2014
[MP4] [0:28:37] [2014/07/17]Son Voba, Senior Program Manager, presented a talk on Multi-SystemLab Evaluation Tests to the attendees of the Redmond Interoperability Protocols Plugfest 2014.
Keynote Day 2 Open Systems Interoperability
[MP4] [0:39:27] [2014/07/17]Chris Phillips, Partner Director, Program Management delivered a talk on Open Systems Interoperability to the attendees of the Redmond Interoperability Protocols Plugfest 2014.
OData Validator
[MP4] [0:20:46] [2014/07/16]Mike Pizzo, Principal Architect, delivered a talk on the OData Validator tool, including new support for validating OData V4 conformance, to the attendees of the Redmond Interoperability Protocols…
OData Implementation
[MP4] [0:57:49] [2014/07/16]Mike Pizzo, Principal Architect, delivered a talk about OData Implementation, including an overview of the new OData V4 support in Web API 2.2 to the attendees of the Redmond Interoperability…
OData Introduction
[MP4] [0:55:20] [2014/07/16]Mike Pizzo, Principal Architect, presented an introduction to OData, an OASIS standard for open data access on the web, to the attendees of the Redmond Interoperability Protocols Plugfest 2014.
Exchange Test Suites
[MP4] [0:23:41] [2014/07/16]Pui Leung, Software Design Engineer in Test, presented a talk on the Exchange Protocol Test Suites to the attendees of the Redmond Interoperability Protocols Plugfest 2014.
Remote Shared Virtual Disk
[MP4] [0:41:13] [2014/07/15]Matt Kurjanowicz, Senior Software Development Engineer presented a talk on Remote Shared Virtual Disk to the attendees of the Redmond Interoperability Protocols Plugfest 2014.
Message Analyzer Redmond Interoperability Protocols Plugfest 2014
[MP4] [1:33:39] [2014/07/15]Paul Long, Senior Program Manager delivered a talk on Message Analyzer to the attendees of the Redmond Interoperability Protocols Plugfest 2014.
Office Network Parsers Redmond Interoperability Protocols Plugfest 2014
[MP4] [0:28:04] [2014/07/15]Jingyu Shao, Software Design Engineer in Test, gave a talk on Office, SharePoint, and Exchange Network Parsers for Message Analyzer to the attendees of the Redmond Interoperability Protocols Plugfest…
Office File Formats
[MP4] [0:40:20] [2014/07/15]Jim Thatcher, Principal Program Manager Lead, delivered a talk on Office File Formats to the attendees of the Redmond Interoperability Protocols Plugfest 2014.
Security Intelligence
[MP4] [0:45:53] [2014/07/15]David Cross, Partner Engineering Director presented a Microsoft Security Intelligence Report to the attendees of the Redmond Interoperability Protocols Plugfest 2014.
Introduction to OAuth Redmond Interoperability Protocols Plugfest 2014
[MP4] [0:27:01] [2014/07/15]Andrew Davidoff, Senior Software Design Engineer in Test presents an introduction to OAuth to the attendees of the Redmond Interoperability Protocols Plugfest 2014.
Keynote Day 1 Redmond Interoperability Protocols Plugfest 2014
[MP4] [0:16:34] [2014/07/15]Carl Tostevin, Microsoft Corporate Vice President delivered a talk on Microsoft's commitment to operability to the attendees of the Redmond Interoperability Protocols Plugfest 2014.