Channel 9 Live interview with Einar Ingebrigtsen
[MP4] [0:10:10] [2017/06/16]Channel 9 Live interview with Einar Ingebrigtsen.
Channel 9 Live Interview with Damian Brady
[MP4] [0:21:27] [2017/06/14]Seth talks to Damian Brady about joining Microsoft and what what it means to be "doing DevOps". They talk about delivering value to customers, the advantages of an automated pipeline, and…
Channel 9 Live interview with Michele Bustamante
[MP4] [0:32:55] [2017/06/14]In this session we meet with Michele Bustamante and find out more about her experiences as a Microsoft Regional Director
Interview with MVP, Jimmy Bogard
[MP4] [0:25:35] [2017/06/14]Building clean architectures in ASP.NET Core with MediatR, AutoMapper, and HtmlTags. AutoMapperMediatRHtmlTags
Interview with Microsoft Regional Director and Azure MVP, Magnus Mårtensson
[MP4] [0:24:06] [2017/06/14]Join Jon Galloway as he interviews Magnus Mårtensson Microsoft Azure MVP and Regional Director in looking under the hood of Azure. Do you feel a little lost in the Cloud and perhaps overwhelmed? Is…
Programming is Writing is Programming
[MP4] [0:24:21] [2017/06/14]In this session we chat with Felienne about her session on Programming and Writing. Writing and programming are often seen as different. Writing a creative profession, programming a technical one. In…
Talk: Banish Your Inner Critic v2.0
[MP4] [1:07:17] [2017/06/14]Creating can be a tortured process. Sadly, this torture is often self-inflicted. The angst is not inherent in the creative process itself, but instead comes from the fears we have around our ability…
Interview with MVP, Elton Stoneman
[MP4] [0:20:26] [2017/06/14]Join us as we chat with MVP, Elton Stoneman, about all things Docker, Linux, and Windows
Talk: Imposter Syndrome: Overcoming Self-Doubt in Success
[MP4] [0:48:20] [2017/06/14]Impostor Syndrome is the domain of the high achiever. Those who set the bar low are rarely it’s victim. What matters most is not whether we fear failing, looking foolish or not being enough; it’s…
Channel 9 Live Interview with Jon Galloway
[MP4] [0:17:21] [2017/06/14]Interview with Jon Galloway
Channel 9 Live interview with Patricia Aas
[MP4] [0:24:21] [2017/06/14]In this session we chat with Patricia Aas about her experiences working with both Linux and C++
Talk: Microservices and the Inverse Conway Manoeuvre
[MP4] [0:55:37] [2017/06/14]Go faster than your competitors. That’s the promise of microservices – deploy faster, scale faster, be more robust. It’s all about outcomes and the way your organisation is structured has a tremendous…
Interview with MVP, Filip Ekberg
[MP4] [0:19:13] [2017/06/14]Join us as we meet with Microsoft MVP, Filip Ekberg, to discuss all things Xamarin. Everything from code sharing practices, to how you can leverage bleeding edge features like Xamarin Forms Embedding…
Talk: Betting on Performance: a Note on Hypothesis-driven Performance Testing
[MP4] [0:56:05] [2017/06/14]We often think of performance testing as one of those things we just have to do at the end of a project, often using heavyweight tool sets in dedicated environments. In this talk, James offers an…
Channel 9 Interview with Mathias Brandewinder and Alfonso Garcia-Caro
[MP4] [0:29:16] [2017/06/14]Seth Juarez talks with Alfonso Garcia-Caro and Mathias Brandewinder about what the F# Community has been up to lately, and what's so exciting about developing web apps with Fable, the F# to JavaScript…
Optimism and the growth mindset
[MP4] [0:58:00] [2017/06/14]Hacking our own minds is the ultimate meta-programming. In this very personal talk, we will look at Dr. Martin Seligman's work on "Optimism," Dr. Carol Dreck's work on "Mindsets,"…
F# on Azure Functions with Nikolai Andersen
[MP4] [0:25:14] [2017/06/14]Join us as we chat with Nikolai Andersen around his session on F# and Azure
Channel 9 Live interview with David Fowler and Damian Edwards
[MP4] [0:20:42] [2017/06/14]Channel 9 Live interview at NDC Oslo 2017 with David Fowler and Damian Edwards. Tune in to find out more.
Brave new .NET
[MP4] [1:00:22] [2017/06/14]Now .NET has emerged blinking into the sunlight of modern, cross-platform, open-source computing, there are a few things it needs to learn. In this talk I'll give an overview of what sort of things…
Interview with MVP, Eran Stiller
[MP4] [0:19:28] [2017/06/14]Multitenancy is a software architecture pattern in which a single instance of software serves multiple groups of users (known as tenants or organizations). Many modern SaaS applications use this…
Talk: Security in ASP.NET Core 2.0
[MP4] [0:24:44] [2017/06/14]ASP.NET Core has presented us with the opportunity to improve our security store, throw away or improve on of the mistakes of the past. ASP.NET now has a new authentication and authorization stack and…
Channel 9 Live interview with Natalia An
[MP4] [0:19:31] [2017/06/14]Seth and Natalia talk about what is it like to work as a Data Scientist, what are challenges around adapting machine learning to real business cases, and how to enter a Data Science and Machine…
Talk: Web Application Security Risks: A Look at OWASP Top Ten 2017
[MP4] [0:59:21] [2017/06/14]Since 2003, the Open Web Application Security Project curates a list of the top ten secuity risks for web applications. After several delays, the 2017 list has finally been released in spring. Time to…
Day 1 Wrap up with Jon Skeet
[MP4] [0:13:08] [2017/06/14]In this show, Jon goes through a small tool he's been working on for Noda Time's documentation. Sample code is written in the form of unit tests with a small sprinkling of magic applied, then a…
Talk: ASP.NET Core Futures Roadmap
[MP4] [1:03:03] [2017/06/14]ASP.NET Core architect, David Fowler, supported by .NET Program Manager, Jon Galloway, will talk through their current thinking for the future of ASP.NET Core, beyond 2.0. Topics include the potential…
Channel 9 Live interview with MVP, Chris Klug
[MP4] [0:30:35] [2017/06/14]Seth talks to Chris about the ins and outs, and ups and downs of front-end development on the web. All the way from Seth’s first experience of JavaScript development, to bundling and minification…
Talk: Getting real(time) with Akka.NET, React and Redux
[MP4] [0:47:39] [2017/06/14]In this session I will give an introduction to the actor model, and why it can make your life easier when writing reactive, scalable and distributed systems. We will build a backend using ASP.NET Core…
Channel 9 Live interview with Norwegian MVP, Kristian Hellang
[MP4] [0:19:21] [2017/06/14]Seth is joined by Norwegian MVP, Kristian Hellang, to talk about his involvement in the Nancy project. Nancy is a lightweight, low-ceremony alternative to ASP.NET MVC, for building HTTP based services…
Talk: Building Resilient Applications in Microsoft Azure
[MP4] [0:59:26] [2017/06/14]Building a highly available application in the cloud can be difficult given the nature of distributed systems. In this session we will look at patterns we can apply to our system as well as features…
Channel 9 Live interview with MVP, Cecilia Wirén
[MP4] [0:22:17] [2017/06/14]Join us as we talk with Ceclia about being a Microsoft MVP, and about her session on becoming a Visual Studio Ninja
Talk: Microservices and Rules Engines a blast from the past
[MP4] [0:53:04] [2017/06/14]Search service, price service, risk service – when you model them as services, you end up with a tangled web of dependencies between them and almost all the other services in your system – a horrible…
Interview with Gemma Cameron
[MP4] [0:26:46] [2017/06/14]Join us as we meet with Gemma Cameron to discuss her session on Software Development Visualization
Channel 9 Live interview with Udi Dahan and Daniel Marbach
[MP4] [0:27:09] [2017/06/14]Watch Udi Dahan and Daniel Marbach show how NServiceBus abstracts away the complexity of messaging and partitioning not only when running your Microservices in Azure Service Fabric but also…
Talk: Serverless - reality or BS - notes from the trenches
[MP4] [0:59:50] [2017/06/14]Serverless is the new hot thing, but is it really? Learn from 'cloud architect who codes' Lynn Langit about what really works in terms of serverless architectures in production. She will also share…
Interview with Dylan Beattie
[MP4] [0:18:14] [2017/06/14]Dylan Beattie talks with Seth Juarez about code, developer culture, and how he got into conference speaking - from doing lightning talks, to speaking at user groups and community events, to delivering…
Creating a .NET Renaissance
[MP4] [1:00:49] [2017/06/14]The .NET platform has been in decline over the last four years, losing half if its available positions in server-side development. In this presentation we look at the data behind that decline and ask…
Channel 9 Live Interview with Emily Bache
[MP4] [0:16:08] [2017/06/14]Join us as we speak with Emily about her expertise on testing strategy in a microservices architecture. We'll talk about the challenge of taking a legacy monolithic system and converting it to…
Day 3 Wrap up with Kjersti Sandberg, Jakob Bradford, and Charlotte Lyng from NDC Oslo
[MP4] [0:05:57] [2017/06/14]In this session we speak with the NDC Oslo organizers Charlotte, Jakob and Kjersti to discuss the venue, the speakers, the planning of the conference in general and a recap of all the NDC conferences…
Interview with Kathleen Dollard
[MP4] [0:19:30] [2017/06/14]In this session we meet with Kathleen Dollard and discuss all things C#