Seth chats with Jerry Nixon on .NET Core
[MP4] [0:24:15] [2017/01/25]Before Jerry Nixon takes the stage at the AZ Group on Phoenix, Seth sits down with him backstage to deep dive into .NET Core.
Seth chats with Rob Bagby on Containers
[MP4] [0:23:29] [2017/01/25]Before Rob Bagby takes the stage at AZ Groups in Phoenix, Seth sits down with Rob backstage to deep dive into the container ecosystem in Azure.
Scott Guthrie - Morning Session B
[MP4] [1:26:39] [2017/01/25]More of .... Whatever Scott wants to talk about :)
Containers in Azure
[MP4] [1:01:30] [2017/01/10]The container ecosystem in Azure is as confusing as it is vast. In this session, Rob Bagby who works with Mesosphere, Docker, Inc. and the ACS team will attempt to provide clarity, addressing…
.NET Core: Zero to Hero
[MP4] [1:10:16] [2017/01/10]Why did Microsoft take the time to build a general-purpose, modular, cross-platform and open source implementation of .NET? What does it mean to your own enterprise and how can you get started fast?…
Scott Guthrie - Morning
[MP4] [1:05:51] [2017/01/10]Morning session at the AZ Group in Phoenix with Scott Guthrie.