DEV Track Day1 - Detecting Facial Expressions with Azure Machine Learning and Kinect for Windows
[MP4] [0:55:58] [2015/08/13]This session is about learning how to use Microsoft Azure Machine Learning with the Kinect for Windows in order to detect Facial expressions. This session will cover an introduction to Machine…
LATAM Track Day1 - End to eng high availability: Hyper-V, Network, Storage and Cloud Architecture
[MP4] [1:08:01] [2015/08/12]Implementing End-to-End High-Availability: Hyper-V, Network, Storage, and Cloud Architecture
LATAM Track Day2- Administración y configuración de MDT 2013 - para el despliegue de Windows 10
[MP4] [0:41:00] [2015/07/07]En esta sesión se revisará lo nuevo que tiene el MDT 2013 para el despliegue de Windows 10, revisando los nuevos pasos de secuencia, la verificación del despliegue, y otra información que se utiliza…
DEV Track Day1- Introduction to AngularJS in an Office365 context
[MP4] [0:55:43] [2015/06/08]Every developer hears about AngularJS and all the magic it does for you applications. In order to kickstart you AngularJS journey, this session is an introduction to the AngularJS concepts applied to…
DEV Track Day1- Node.js for .NET Developers
[MP4] [0:52:09] [2015/06/08]Node.js is a compelling platform that is quickly spreading from startups to the enterprise. As a .NET developer, why should you learn Node.js and where do you start? You will come away from this talk…
LATAM Track Day1- SQL Server 2014 + Azure = Bases de datos hibridas
[MP4] [0:46:53] [2015/06/08]Con la llegada de SQL Server 2014 la unión con Azure se ha vuelto más transparente, hoy en día ya podemos crear bases de datos hibridas que pueden vivir onpremise y en la nube al mismo tiempo. En esta…
LATAM Track Day1- Implementing End-to-End High-Availability: Hyper-V, Network, Storage, and Cloud…
[MP4] [0:50:11] [2015/06/08]Arquitectura y conceptos de implementación de nuestra nube privada bajo Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2, Microsoft Windows 2012 R2 y Windows Azure Pack.
LATAM Track Day1- Implementación de Recuperación de Desastre/ Respaldo de Datos con Azure
[MP4] [0:47:32] [2015/06/08]Se expondra sobre la solucion Azure y sus servicios desde espacio en almacenamiento hasta lograr una conexion de una infraestructura local con la nube logrando automatizacion, integracion de sistemas…
LATAM Track Day1- Introducción a Azure Machine Learning
[MP4] [0:53:57] [2015/06/08]El Aprendizaje Automático (AA), conocido en inglés como Machine Learning, es una rama de la Inteligencia Artificial en la cual su principal objetivo es desarrollar técnicas que permitan a las…
LATAM Track Day1- Extendiendo tu Infraestructura Local con Cómputo + Redes de Microsoft Azure: una…
[MP4] [0:52:15] [2015/06/08]Vamos a trabajar durante 90 minutos en cómo extender tu infraestructura local hacia la nube con Microsoft Azure y Azure PowerShell. Durante la sesión realizaremos la creación de una VPN Sitio-A-Sitio…
LATAM track Day1- Desarrollando para Office 365
[MP4] [0:52:41] [2015/06/08]En esta sesión tendremos la oportunidad de conocer las diferentes alternativas que tenemos disponibles para extender la funcionalidad de Office 365 mediante el API, las Apps para Office y las Apps…
LATAM Track Day1- 10 Características que Todo Desarrollador Debería Utilizar con su Sistema de…
[MP4] [0:52:28] [2015/06/08]El código fuente en cualquier tipo de emprendimiento – sea este personal o empresarial - es sin duda uno de los activos más preciados, los sistemas de control de versiones, oficialmente denominados…
LATAM Track Day1- Windows 10: productivo en cualquier tamaño
[MP4] [0:44:55] [2015/06/08]La sesión Windows 10 productivo en cualquier tamaño nos mostrará un resumen de las novedades de Windows 10 para consumidores y explicará por qué es importante dar feedback o retroalimentación en las…
Dev Track Day1 - Supercharge your Development with Azure Websites
[MP4] [0:53:58] [2015/06/08]Azure Web Sites brings a whole new level of power and simplicity to cloud computing. This demo-heavy session will show numerous features that allow you to deploy your site in a matter of seconds.…
LATAM Track Day1-Herramientas SQL-Server Best Practices Analyzer y Microsoft MAP para apoyo en la…
[MP4] [0:47:50] [2015/06/08]Utilice SQL-Server Best Practices Analyzer y Microsoft MAP para determinar problemas de configuración en sus Servidores de SQL-Server y para monitorear el uso de recursos y licenciamiento.
CONS Track Day1- How to present with your audience's needs in mind, all within PowerPoint
[MP4] [0:42:04] [2015/06/06]We hear about Death by PowerPoint almost every day. One of the complaints is that the tool is only linear. Well, there is a way to build a flexible or interactive presentation to tailor your message,…
CONS Track Day1- Create Custom Icons in PowerPoint
[MP4] [0:34:58] [2015/06/06]Icons are the hottest communications design trend since cave drawings. These effective visual clues can play a strong role in helping your audience understand your story and ultimately influence the…
CONS Track Day1- It's not a Windows Phone, it's MY Windows Phone
[MP4] [0:44:23] [2015/06/06]You will find out how Windows Phone fits into your life and allows you to do more faster and be as connected as you want to be.
CONS Track Day1- Xbox music, the cloud and your Bieber collection
[MP4] [0:30:15] [2015/06/06]This is a session that offers tips, tricks, and insight about the Xbox Music service. Learn how OneDrive and Xbox Music let you take all of your favorite music with you on any Windows device, running…
CONS Track Day1 - Using Office Mix from Boardroom to Classroom
[MP4] [0:48:14] [2015/06/06]Learn how you take your PowerPoint presentations to the next level with Office Mix- an easy to use free plug-in for PowerPoint 2013. Using Office Mix you will learn how to make your presentations more…
CONS Track Day1- Migrating from an iOS mobile device to a Windows mobile device.
[MP4] [0:43:49] [2015/06/06]In this session I will show you how to migrate your domain email to hosted Office 365 (no more POP3, and now you get Out of Office replies and OWA!), and then move away from an iOS device (iPhone 4 in…
CONS Track Day1- Ransomware - Key tools for prevention and recovery
[MP4] [0:48:38] [2015/06/06]Learn how to quickly recover from and prevent the latest threat on the web - ransomware. From CryptoLocker, CryptoWall, it's estimated that it's cost it's victims over $30 million dollars. Learn how…
CONS Track Day1- Understanding Windows updating
[MP4] [0:52:13] [2015/06/06]Every month the largest cloud service in the world updates and services the largest number of systems. Find out how Windows Update works, how to understand its cryptic error messages, how to prevent…
BRA Track Day1- Usando os dados de Mail, Calendário e Contatos do Office 365 em suas aplicações C#
[MP4] [0:44:41] [2015/06/06]O Office 365 trouxe um conjunto de APIs que permitem ao seus aplicativos acessar os dados cadastrados de email, calendários e contatos. Esta palestra irá mostrar como você pode integrar suas…
BRA Track Day1- Project Online - Gerenciando Projetos e Portfólio
[MP4] [0:55:19] [2015/06/06]A proposta da sessão é ensinar o básico para uma pessoa poder começar a usar o Project Online. Passando desde o gerenciamento de projetos até o gerenciamento de portfólio.
BRA Track Day1- Executando ASP.NET MVC 6 no Mac OS X e no Linux
[MP4] [0:50:08] [2015/06/05]Veja o passo a passo para executar o ASP.NET MVC 6 em Mac OS X e Linux:
BRA Track Day1- Visual Studio 2015 - Novidades e Produtividade
[MP4] [0:43:19] [2015/06/05]Nesta palestra vou mostrar as novas funcionalidades do Visual Studio 2015 e como elas podem te deixar mais produtivo.
CONS Track Day2- Use your Windows Phone to tap into the Contacts, Calendar (and shared Calendars)…
[MP4] [0:34:17] [2015/06/04]This presentation will discuss how to use Windows Phone to tap into all of the functionality of an account. We will focus on using a Windows Phone to tap into the Contacts, Calendar (and…
CONS Track Day2- These Are a Few of My Favorite Things The OneNote Edition
[MP4] [0:58:37] [2015/06/04]Kelly will share a high level overview of fifteen of her favorite things about the 2013 desktop version of OneNote – including linking, OCR Search, Send to OneNote Tool, Tags, Templates and more. This…
LATAM Track Day2 - Identidad y Acceso en la nube
[MP4] [0:52:51] [2015/06/04]Comprender las soluciones de identidad y acceso ofrecidas por la plataforma Microsoft Azure, incluyendo: Azure AD, Sincronización de identidades, Azure AD Connect, Identidad federada, Azure AD Vs…
CONS Track Day2- Virtual Tour of Microsoft's Security Response Center
[MP4] [0:55:54] [2015/06/04]Last November MVPs were invited to tour Microsoft's Security Response Center, (MSRC). The MSRC works with security researchers, tech and non-tech companies and law enforcement agencies from around the…
CONS Track Day2- Windows 10: Productivity Tips
[MP4] [0:45:09] [2015/06/04]Do you want to be equally productive in your office using a desktop PC and working with your tablet on a plane? With the enhanced user interface, Continuum feature and Cortana, Windows take makes…
CONS Track Day2- Windows Phone 8.1: Hey Cortana you make my life easier"
[MP4] [0:52:23] [2015/06/04]This presentation will consist of how Windows Phone 8.1 increases my business productivity in my roles as a small business owner, consultant and Microsoft MVP. It will involve how Cortana makes…
CONS Track Day2- Windows 10: New Features & New Directions
[MP4] [0:55:50] [2015/06/04]By using the latest public build of Windows 10 you'll learn about the major changes to the user interface compared to Windows 8.1 and how the changes bring back a familiar, yet different, interface…
CONS Track Day2- Delve & the Office Graph - A crash course
[MP4] [0:55:55] [2015/06/04]In this dynamic, demo-rich session Paul Olenick, SharePoint MVP, will provide a crash course on Delve and the Office Graph covering what they are, how they work from a mechanical level, their business…
CONS Track Day2 - Using Access and SharePoint for Travel Expenses and Pulling up Maps
[MP4] [0:53:24] [2015/06/04]Learn how to build a tool with Access to manage information on the road. Track mileage and meals. Use Bing to map your route and show maps for areas you visit. Calculate distance and get expense…
LATAM Track Day2 - Diseño avanzado de aplicaciones para Windows Phone
[MP4] [0:39:55] [2015/06/03]Aprenda a crear una experiencia de usuario deseable utilizando los elementos del Lenguage de Diseño de Windows Phone en conjunto con los conceptos de Design Thinking para sus aplicaciones de Windows…
LATAM Track Day2- 10 caracteristicas que todo desarrollador deberia utilizar con su sistema de…
[MP4] [1:59:17] [2015/06/03]El código fuente en cualquier tipo de emprendimiento – sea este personal o empresarial - es sin duda uno de los activos más preciados, los sistemas de control de versiones, oficialmente denominados…
LATAM Track Day2 - Adoptando marcos ágiles con Visual Studio Online
[MP4] [0:48:25] [2015/06/03]Esta sesión esta enfocada a conocer como utilizar un framework ágil en la planeación y seguimiento de proyectos utilizando Visual Studio Online.
LATAM Track Day2 - Enterprise Mobility Suite (EMS) - Cómo manejar dispositivos móviles en la empresa…
[MP4] [0:47:45] [2015/06/03]The session will provide the options to support mobile devices with Configuration Manager 2012 and intune, making an available solution for BYOD. La sesión proporcionará las opciones para dar soporte…
LATAM Track Day2 - Power BI 2.0 - La revolución en inteligencia de negocios en la nube
[MP4] [0:50:15] [2015/06/03]En esta sesion se podra ver lo nuevo de power bi preview, sus nuevos componentes como designer preview y sus conectores con datos on-premise. Adicionalmente se vera como construir analisis y…
LATAM Track Day2- Generando Comunidades corporativas con SharePoint
[MP4] [0:57:13] [2015/06/03]Generar comunidades virtuales en las organizaciones es fundamental, eso ya no se puede negar. Pero, posteriormente, contener a los participantes de estas comunidades, darles feedback y valor su…
BRA Track Day2 - Prepare seu Datacenter para a Nuvem
[MP4] [0:42:18] [2015/06/02]Como a visão da Microsoft de integração entre ambientes on premisses e em nuvem pode ajudar na adoção de melhores práticas para essa convivência pacífica.
BRA Track Day2 - Controlando cargas de trabalho com Resource Governor no SQL Server 2014
[MP4] [0:52:12] [2015/06/02]Já pensou na possibilidade de você DBA, poder controlar memória, CPU e até mesmo a quantidade de IOPS executados por uma consulta no SQL Server? Venha para a minha sessão e aprenda como fazer o mesmo.
BRA Track Day2 - Construindo ambientes com o Quórum dinâmico
[MP4] [2015/06/02]Nesta apresentação discutiremos o novo modelo de votos de cluster implementado no Windows Server 2012.
ITPRO Track Day2 - Modern IT: DevOps to ITIL
[MP4] [0:52:28] [2015/06/02]Are you confused about how the DevOps movement fits into traditional ITSM practices? You aren't alone. In this session, we'll demonstrate using technology in the process lifecycle from development to…
ITPRO Track Day2 - Automating Service Delivery with System Center 2012 R2
[MP4] [0:51:34] [2015/06/02]In this session targeted to IT decision makers and IT Pros new to System Center, learn about the capabilities Microsoft System Center brings to the service delivery lifecycle in heterogeneous and…
ITPRO Track Day2 - Troubleshooting Hyper-V Perfomance Issues - Black Belt Notes from the field
[MP4] [0:48:03] [2015/06/02]In this session we will cover common techniques for troubleshooting Hyper-V Performance issues. These ticks, tricks and techniques have all been used in the field and will be of immense value. Dave…
ITPRO Track Day2- Migrating from VMware to Hyper-V for VMware Professionals
[MP4] [0:54:00] [2015/06/02]Many IT Pros in the industry have begun their virtualization training with VMware, but as the market shifts in other directions, a lot of administrators are finding themselves managing…
ITPRO Track Day2 - Healthy SQL III
[MP4] [0:38:33] [2015/06/02]Are your SQL Servers Healthy? Are all the SQL Servers you manage running optimally and have the high availability that is expected? How do you know for sure? Have you checked on the health of your SQL…
ITPRO Track Day2 - PowerShell Desired State configuration - Custom Resource Development
[MP4] [0:49:22] [2015/06/02]PowerShell DSC is a great configuration management system built into Windows, and very extensible to cover systems that need configuration management but lack the DSC resources. Come see…
ITPRO Track Day2 - A pain-free Migration to Office365
[MP4] [0:48:30] [2015/06/02]Migration to Office 365 is a painful experience in many cases due to legacy archive data issues, throttling and bandwidth barriers, professional services fees and more. In this session we will reduce…
BRA Track Day2 - Deployment ágil com Microsoft Deployment Toolkit 2013
[MP4] [0:51:30] [2015/06/02]Nessa sessão será apresentado como o MDT 2013 pode ajudar os IT Pros como implantar Windows e Aplicações de forma ágil e dinâmica.
ITPRO Track Day2 - Microsoft Azure Infrastructure automation with PowerShell
[MP4] [0:51:13] [2015/06/01]Are you using the Microsoft Azure cloud today? Do you love automation? Does your business require rapid elasticity? You'll want to be sure to come to this session, where we will discuss provisioning…
ITPRO Track Day1 - What is new in Skype for Business
[MP4] [1:46:21] [2015/06/01]With the recent release of Skype for Business, this session will outline what is new and what has changed in Skype for Business from the previous version of Lync 2013. We'll talk about changes such…
ITPRO Track Day1 - Securing your Azure Data Center
[MP4] [0:49:19] [2015/06/01]With security breaches being a daily news story, and businesses suffering significant losses as a result, the topic of security is more important than ever. And the public cloud brings this…
ITPRO Track Day1 - Deploying highly Available SQL Server in Microsoft Azure Iaas
[MP4] [0:44:21] [2015/06/01]SQL Server always on AG and FCI still form the under pinning of SQL Server availability in Windows Azure, but there are a few things you need to know before you jump in with both feet. In this session…
ITPRO Track Day1 - Dynamics CRM MVP Ask the Experts
[MP4] [1:01:07] [2015/06/01]This will be an interactive discussion featuring Microsoft Dynamics CRM MVPs. The panel will not only share their knowledge but also respond to product and project related questions. We are looking…
ITPRO Track Day1 - Azure Remote App for your Line of Business Applications
[MP4] [0:51:11] [2015/06/01]This session gives an overview of utilizing Azure RemoteApp for Mobility and BYOD scenarios where IT can enable users to access corporate data and applications while ensuring compliance. Whether you…
ITPRO Track Day1 - Microsoft Surface in the Enterprise
[MP4] [0:58:59] [2015/06/01]The Microsoft Surface has been steadily increasing its penetration into the enterprise workplace. In order to get the most productive use of the devices, end users, line of business units, and IT…
ITPRO Track Day1 - BYOD with Microsoft Entreprise Mobility Suite (EMS)
[MP4] [0:57:24] [2015/06/01]The Microsoft Surface has been steadily increasing its penetration into the enterprise workplace. In order to get the most productive use of the devices, end users, line of business units, and IT…
BRA Track Day2 - Segurança em Ambientes Virtualizados com Hyper-V e VMWare
[MP4] [0:48:26] [2015/06/01]Conheça as funcionalidades de segurança dos principais hypervisors do mercado e descubra porque a Microsoft é a melhor opção.
BRA Track Day2 - Migrating Active Directory to Windows Server 2012 R2
[MP4] [0:45:19] [2015/06/01]This session will cover the complete migration process from a Windows Server 2008 R2 domain to Windows Server 2012 R2 without any downtime, also taking essential functions such as DHCP and DNS.
BRA Track Day2 - Otimizando o gerenciamento de máquinas virtuais no Microsoft Azure
[MP4] [0:52:58] [2015/06/01]Aprenda nessa sessão, como otimizar o gerenciamento de máquinas virtuais no Microsoft Azure, utilizando as diversas ferramentas disponíveis.
BRA Track Day2- Designing and Building a Hybrid Cloud, co-starring Microsoft Azure and your…
[MP4] [1:03:18] [2015/06/01]Esta sessão irá apresentar o passo-a-passo para configurar uma infraestrutura de nuvem Hibrida, atraves do Windows Server 2012 R2, Azure e System Center 2012
BRA Track Day2 - Automating Azure Management using Powershell
[MP4] [0:43:16] [2015/06/01]Automating Azure Management using PowerShell
Dev Track Day2 - Cross-Platform Localization for Mobile Apps Using .NET
[MP4] [0:36:19] [2015/05/30]When doing a native application, of course you want to hit the major platforms: Android, iOS, and Windows Phone. By using the .NET Framework on each platform, you can share much of the code and get…
Dev Track Day2 - Resolving Conflicts in Collaborative Occasionally Connected Mobile Apps
[MP4] [0:49:04] [2015/05/30]In collaborative apps, a change made on one device appears on another. Data flows seamlessly across devices. But those devices aren't always connected. And even when they are, users don't want to wait…
Dev Track Day2 - A Brief History of OWIN
[MP4] [0:45:12] [2015/05/28]You may have noticed some strange changes in your ASP.NET project templates, especially with respect to security. You may have noticed some similar changes in the presentations about ASP.NET vNext.…
Dev Track Day2 - Surviving in an Async-First Development World
[MP4] [0:54:57] [2015/05/26]Cloud-first? Mobile-first? You know what that means: Async-first! Is the world of async/await passing you by? No need to worry with this catchup session! Join async guru Stephen Cleary for a…
Dev Track Day 2 - One XAML UI to Rule them All with Universal Apps and Xamarin.Forms!
[MP4] [0:56:07] [2015/05/26]Mobile apps are here to stay! We've seen a lot of technologies come and go that promised a write-once, run-everywhere scenario. Xamarin has been around for a while and allowing developers to use C#…
Dev Track Day2 - Roslyn for Normal Developers: It's Not Just for Compiler Geeks!
[MP4] [0:58:00] [2015/05/26]You have no doubt heard about Roslyn, the new C# and VB.NET compilers in Visual Studio 2015, and you are probably wondering what they mean to you as a normal developer especially since you don't have…
Dev Track Day2 - How To Create A Global Leaderboard For Unity 3D Using Azure Mobile Services
[MP4] [0:55:50] [2015/05/26]Want to learn how to create your own global leaderboard using Azure Mobile Services? Then don't miss this session where Chad Carter, lover and maker of games, will dig into what is needed to create…
Dev Track Day2 - 10 New Things for Developers on Windows 10
[MP4] [0:52:10] [2015/05/26]It's in the title. If you didn't have time for Build or you just want to get a summary of 10 new features for developers from the new and/or updates APIs, tools SKUs and/or languages, from devices to…
Dev Track Day1 - Native iOS Apps using Swift for Office365
[MP4] [0:45:33] [2015/05/26]That thing in your pocket is a 64 bit super computer that can talk, sing, help you communicate, close your garage door, spy on your dog, or you for that matter, provide location based information,…
Dev Track Day1 - Mongo Baseball.NET
[MP4] [0:55:41] [2015/05/26]You like baseball, you like Mongo and you like .NET. Why not put them all together and achieve a zen-like state of being completely in touch with your data! This session will walk through some…
Dev Track Day1 - Fireside Cooking with Open Source
[MP4] [0:53:52] [2015/05/26]Arduino is an open-source physical computing platform based on a simple microcontroller board, and a development environment for writing software for the board. C# is a simple, modern,…
Keynote - Steve "Guggs" Guggenheimer
[MP4] [0:49:27] [2015/05/15]The MVP V-Conf Keynote address was delivered by Steven Guggenheimer, Corporate Vice President of the Developer eXperience (DX) group at Microsoft Corp. Hear his perspective on the Power of Community,…