Event - Indonesia_Embracing-Intelligent-Campus-for-21st-Century-Learning

Azure for Education[MP4] [0:46:22] [2016/05/11]
Irving Hutagalung Technical Evangelist, Microsoft Indonesia

Enable Anytime, Anywhere Learning[MP4] [0:48:38] [2016/05/11]
Enable effective teaching and learning powered by an intelligent cloud Rudi Setyo Purnomo Industry Cloud Practitioner

Improving Outcomes with Insights[MP4] [0:41:56] [2016/05/11]
Personalized learning and outcomes management through student insights and analytics. Robert Smith Education Solution Specialist Microsoft Asia Pacific

Question and Answer[MP4] [0:39:12] [2016/04/27]
Sesi tanya jawab dengan semua pembicara

Enabling New Windows for 21st Century Learning[MP4] [0:26:13] [2016/04/27]
Ravina GobindramWindows Product ManagerMicrosoft Indonesia

Advanced Analytics for Smarter Education[MP4] [0:42:09] [2016/04/27]
Marcus Pribi Technology Solution Professional, Microsoft Indonesia

Modern IT Infrastructure for Education[MP4] [0:46:48] [2016/04/27]
Andrey Terekhov APAC Open Source Lead, Microsoft Asia Pacific

Institutional Transformation for the 21st Century[MP4] [0:40:12] [2016/04/27]
Robert Smith Education Solution Specialist Microsoft Asia Pacific

Opening[MP4] [0:15:45] [2016/04/27]
Benny Kusuma Education Lead, Microsoft Indonesia