Memory and Energy Management
[MP4] [0:08:12] [2015/08/01]How many times do you charge your devices per day? One? Two? More than two? Vlad Kolesniov covers the energy efficiencies Windows 10 UWP bring to the tech world.
Speech and Cortana
[MP4] [0:08:58] [2015/08/01]Speech recognition and Cortana by Nikola Metulev
[MP4] [0:09:49] [2015/08/01]Vlad Kolesnikov covers MIDI, Windows 10 Media Editing and Grayscale effect
Five Design Tips and Tricks
[MP4] [0:08:45] [2015/08/01]Jeff Burtoft discusses 5 design tips and tricks that will give you a better opportunity to reach your users and improve your application experience.
[MP4] [0:07:11] [2015/05/31]Nikola Metuel talks about the different applications of Bluetooth Beacons
Microsoft Edge & Web Apps
[MP4] [0:41:37] [2015/05/31]Coming soon.
Building Apps with the Universal Windows Platform
[MP4] [0:33:13] [2015/05/31]Overview of the Universal Windows Platform with Nikola Metulev
[MP4] [1:57:26] [2015/05/31]Joe Stegman presents the event keynote and presents the latest updates on Windows 10, HoloLens and UWP. Keynote [54:49] Web Bridge - Jeff Burtoft[1:06:42] .NET & Win32[1:11:33] Windows for IoT -…