BONUS: An Intro to the HoloLens Experience
[MP4] [0:15:45] [2016/06/11]With the variety of different Virtual, Augmented, and Mixed reality devices coming onto the market, this talk looks at HoloLens and its unique ability to solve industry problems. This session…
BONUS: Designing for Spatial Variation
[MP4] [0:20:16] [2016/06/11]What do you do when a leading brewer entrusts you to bring their valuable brand mascot to life, holographically? Working in mixed reality is not always predictable, especially if the application must…
The Future of the Web
[MP4] [0:56:16] [2016/06/08]Wes Bos, developer of the extremely popular React for Beginner's video series, Alex Blom, partner at the IsleOfCode Ember shop in Toronto, Steve Fisher, designer and UX fanatic at the Republic of…
[MP4] [0:40:20] [2016/06/08]Giorgio, Larry, Pete, and Shen answer questions submitted throughout the day.
Azure IoT
[MP4] [0:20:41] [2016/06/08]Larry talks about Azure and IoT.
Project Centennial
[MP4] [0:09:30] [2016/06/08]Pete Brown talks about Project Centennial.
UWP - Enriching Your Apps
[MP4] [0:25:04] [2016/06/08]Shen Chauhan talks about how to enrich your apps with the Universal Windows Platform.
UWP - Build Engaging Experiences
[MP4] [0:17:48] [2016/06/08]Pete Brown talks about how you can build engaging experiences using the Universal Windows Platform.
Web Apps
[MP4] [0:22:47] [2016/06/08]Web Apps with Giorgio Sardo.
[MP4] [0:31:16] [2016/06/08]Xamarin with Shen Chauhan
Welcome to //build Canada
[MP4] [0:02:09] [2016/06/08]Mary-Ellen Anderson welcomes everyone to //build Canada.
[MP4] [1:38:24] [2016/06/08]Keynote with Giorgio Sardo, Larry Lieberman, with demos by Pete Brown and Shen Chauhan.
Build 2016 The Highlights
[MP4] [0:17:58] [2016/05/20]Microsoft continues to focus on enabling developers to do amazing work as businesses and industries transform in support of the shift to a cloud-first, mobile-first world. At Build 2016 we will…