The Security Trifecta The Platforms, the Apps and the Stores
[MP4] [0:50:53] [2012/09/19]Given that application delivery is shifting rapidly toward a distributed model, particularly with regard to online/mobile app stores, the complexity of the application security landscape, including…
How To: Determine The Value Of Security
[MP4] [0:51:42] [2012/09/19]Jared Pfost, a former Blue Badge, shares techniques how to determine the right amount of security investment for IT, cloud services, or even the SDL. Jared challenges you to define what success really…
You Spent All That Money and You Still Got Owned????
[MP4] [1:02:34] [2012/09/19]This talk will focus on practical methods of identifying and bypassing modern enterprise class security solutions such as Load Balancers, both Network and Host-based Intrusion Prevention Systems…
Locking the Throne Room - ECMA Script 5, a Frozen DOM and the Eradication of XSS
[MP4] [1:03:22] [2012/09/19]Cross Site Scripting has been a topic in countless presentations over the last decade. That easy to grasp but hard to solve problem has been shaking the web and caused major trouble on hundreds to…
A Statistical Journey through the Web Application Security Landscape
[MP4] [0:41:51] [2012/09/19]Breaking news or stale information; the web can be a dangerous place. This afternoon block of BlueHat v11 will kick off with Jeremiah Grossman presenting a statistical analysis of the current state of…
BlueHat Kickoff!
[MP4] [0:22:10] [2012/09/19]When the idea of the first BlueHat was conceived, a mad brainchild of an idea to invite hackers behind the walls and bring their experience, expertise, and participate in the security entity that is…