Start DevOps journey in Your Company
[MP4] [1:00:48] [2016/11/22]Business requirements, modern applications, cloud computing... That things force IT departments to adopt trends to provide service to manage applications in the most efficient manner. To meet these…
Advanced Azure networking scenarios and news from Microsoft Ignite Conference
[MP4] [0:56:09] [2016/11/22]Advanced Azure networking scenarios and news from Microsoft Ignite Conference
Running Akka.NET Cluster on Service Fabric
[MP4] [0:46:10] [2016/11/22]ServiceFabric - Controlling Cluster TopologyService Fabric Reliable Actor Model vs Akka.NET Actor ModelMicroservices Architecture using Akka.NET and ServiceFabricHosting the Cluster Seed NodeForming…
What is Machine Learning?
[MP4] [0:57:27] [2016/11/22]What is Machine Learning? Why we need Machine Learning? Where and When we use this? What is Azure Machine Learning and language R. Session introduce to paradigm machine learning, data mining, classes…
Can it be? Simple Disaster Recovery?
[MP4] [0:49:43] [2016/11/22]Zerto - the Standard for Disaster Recovery
Microsoft Azure Stack from a business point of view
[MP4] [0:57:30] [2016/11/22]Everything you need to know about Microsoft Azure Stack. What is it and how it can help to grow your business value? Its easy to install? Which components you will be able to use? Its possible to grow…
Azure Resource Manager - JSON Automation
[MP4] [0:58:29] [2016/11/22]After this session, you will know what is it Azure Resource Manager and how to use it. Piotr Rogala speaks about JSON templates and how they can help you in deployment automation on Microsoft Azure.
Azure Cloud ID in Allegro
[MP4] [0:40:59] [2016/11/22]In this session you will see how Allegro used Azure IaaS, Azure AD, Azure B2B combined with "standard" Active Directory and ADFS to provide our own IDaaS (identity as a service) for…
Complex event processing with Azure Stream Analytics
[MP4] [1:16:18] [2016/11/22]Complex event processing with Azure Stream Analytics
Distributed and asynchronous architecture based on Azure
[MP4] [0:54:36] [2016/11/22]ServiceFabric - Controlling Cluster TopologyService Fabric Reliable Actor Model vs Akka.NET Actor ModelMicroservices Architecture using Akka.NET and ServiceFabricHosting the Cluster Seed NodeForming…
Mobile DevOps receipt with VSTS, Xamarin Cloud and Hockey apps
[MP4] [0:59:34] [2016/11/22]We've learned a lot through doing DevOps: Every commit is automatically integrated, tested, and deployed to a staging environment. And then it only takes one push of a button and the release goes…
Azure Web Apps Deep Dive
[MP4] [1:02:45] [2016/11/22]During this session we will go through the most fascinating features of Azure Web Apps, such as: deployment slots, application settings management, application health monitoring, etc. We will talk…
Azure Storage performance tips & tricks
[MP4] [1:01:14] [2016/11/22]This speech will consist of two parts. Firstly, we will talk about Azure Storage in general. We will talk about such Azure Storage services as Blobs, Disks, Tables, etc. and about tasks those services…
How turn Azure with Veeam tools to Disaster Recovery Center
[MP4] [0:34:14] [2016/11/22]During this session Mariusz Rybusiński presents how Veeam products can help you protect your on-premises and cloud data. He also introduces a new product for Office 365!
Something about Open Source
[MP4] [0:57:52] [2016/11/22]Linux, PHP, MySQL, Python, VMs, Web Apps, Storage CDN Azure
Introduction to Big Data analytics
[MP4] [0:57:53] [2016/11/22]What is Analytics? What is Big Data? Why Big Data we have in the cloud. What offer Microsoft for Big Data Analytics. How to start with Big Data Analytics or Advanced Analytics? Session introduce…
[MP4] [1:05:44] [2016/11/22]Otwarcie konferencji AzureDay North Poland 2016.