Session 5: Operating Software In the Cloud
[MP4] [0:15:42] [2021/04/29]DevOps doesn't stop when you deploy. Incident response, identity management, and controlling access to production are all part of learning to run software well. All Around Azure Microsoft Learn…
Session 4: Delivering Change to the Cloud
[MP4] [0:18:37] [2021/04/29]The team at Tailwind Traders has a problem - they're still too dependent on manual processes and key individuals to bring their ideas to customers! While they have successfully implemented a raft of…
Session 3: Building in Security and Quality
[MP4] [0:16:14] [2021/04/29]Security and compliance are core concerns for organizations. Adopting DevOps practices and delivering software faster can increase those concerns. We can take steps to increase security and compliance…
Session 2: Managing the Flow of Work
[MP4] [0:20:14] [2021/04/29]DevOps is all about continuously delivering value. Before we can even begin thinking about CI/CD, we need to make sure we do the right work. Sprint after sprint, iteration after iteration, we need to…
Session 1: Getting started with DevOps
[MP4] [0:26:52] [2021/04/29]As teams grow, finding ways to effectively work together is vital. Communication across teams is challenging. We need to enable discovery of conversations and related information. Source code,…
[MP4] [0:07:17] [2021/04/29]This event follows along the DevOps Learning Path. A learning path is a carefully curated set of technical sessions that provide a view into a particular area of Azure; and often help you prepare for…