04 Yong Seong Song - GIT
[MP4] [0:14:29] [2016/01/21]This movie show very simple way managing game development resources by git with Azure's Wep App for game developer.
02 YongJun Park -EP27 -ASP.NET 5 File Upload
[MP4] [0:23:38] [2016/01/19]27. MVC6_FileDemo_FileUploadDemo_FileDownloadDemo_파일업로드 및 다운로드 기능 구현하기
02 YongJun Park -EP01 Introduction to Web Camp (with ASP.NET)
[MP4] [0:25:13] [2016/01/18]01_웹 캠프 과정 소개(ASP.NET을 사용한 웹 개발 구축 A to Z)
02 YongJun Park -EP26 -ASP.NET 5 Tag Helper - Pager
[MP4] [0:32:32] [2016/01/13]26. MVC6_TagHelpers_DnnPagingHelperTagHelper_페이징 처리를 위한 페이저를 구현하는 태그 헬퍼 작성하기
02 YongJun Park -EP25 -ASP.NET 5 MVC 6 Form Validation with TagHelper
[MP4] [0:15:56] [2016/01/13]25. FormValidationDemoController_06_TagHelper_태그 헬퍼를 사용하여 폼 모양 꾸미기(폼 유효성 검사 최종편)
02 YongJun Park -EP24 -ASP.NET 5 MVC 6 Form Validation_Client Side Validation
[MP4] [0:17:23] [2016/01/13]24. FormValidationDemoController_05_ClientValidation_jQuery 플러그인을 통한 클라이언트 측 유효성 검사 진행하기
02 YongJun Park -EP23 -ASP.NET 5 MVC 6 Form Validation_Server Side Validation
[MP4] [0:27:07] [2016/01/13]23. FormValidationDemoController_04_ModelValidation_모델 기반의 서버 측 유효성 검사 진행하기(ModelState 개체 사용)
02 YongJun Park -EP22 -ASP.NET 5 MVC 6 Form Validation With Model Binding
[MP4] [0:18:25] [2016/01/13]22. FormValidationDemoController_03_StronglyTypeView_모델을 사용하여 강력한 형식의 뷰와 모델 바인딩 사용하기
02 YongJun Park -EP21 -ASP.NET 5 MVC 6 Form Validation with Helper Method
[MP4] [0:25:27] [2016/01/13]21. FormValidationDemoController_02_HelperMethod_헬퍼 메서드를 사용하여 폼 요소 구성하기
02 YongJun Park -EP20 -ASP.NET 5 MVC 6 Form Validation with JavaScript
[MP4] [0:26:14] [2016/01/13]20. FormValidationDemoController_01_Html_순수 HTML 레벨로 폼 유효성 검사 진행하기
02 YongJun Park -EP19 -ASP.NET 5 Logging
[MP4] [0:18:18] [2016/01/13]19. MVC 6 로깅(Logging) 소개
02 YongJun Park -EP18 -ASP.NET 5 View Page DI with @inject
[MP4] [0:11:55] [2016/01/13]18. MVC6에서 제공하는 DI를 뷰에 직접 구현하기 위해 @inject 키워드를 사용하는 방법 설명
02 YongJun Park -EP17 -ASP.NET 5 Dependency Injection
[MP4] [0:37:02] [2016/01/13]17. MVC6에서 제공하는 의존성 주입(DI) 설명 및 관련 4가지 메서드 사용법 설명
02 YongJun Park -EP16 -ASP.NET 5 Razor Syntax A to Z
[MP4] [0:20:20] [2016/01/13]16. Razor 표현식 기본 학습
02 YongJun Park -EP15 -Introduction to Yeoman(Yo) Scaffolding
[MP4] [0:26:13] [2016/01/13]15. Yeoman 프로젝트 스캐폴딩 도구 빠르게 살펴보기
02 YongJun Park -EP14 -ASP.NET 5 MVC 6 Model, View and Controller
[MP4] [0:43:00] [2016/01/13]14. ASP.NET 5 Empty 템플릿을 사용하고 MVC 6를 사용하기 위한 최소한의 절차를 구현하여 Index, About, Contact 페이지를 Model, View, Controller를 모두 사용해서 표현해 보기
02 YongJun Park - EP13 ASP.NET5 MVC 6 Start
[MP4] [0:24:33] [2016/01/13]13. ASP.NET 5 MVC 6에서 제공하는 빈 템플릿을 사용하여 웹 사이트 만들고 실행하기
02 YongJun Park - EP05 Using NuGet Package Manager for Client Library(jQuery, Bootstrap, Angular)
[MP4] [0:12:51] [2016/01/05]05_Nuget을 사용하여 프로젝트에 jQuery, Bootstrap, AngularJS 등의 클라이언트 자바스크립트 라이브러리를 가져와서 포함시키기
02 YongJun Park -EP06 ZenCoding A to Z with Visual Studio 2015 and Web Essentials 2015
[MP4] [0:29:54] [2016/01/05]06_VisualStudio_ZenCoding_젠코딩을 사용하여 HTML 문서 빠르게 작성하기(Zen Coding A to Z)
02 YongJun Park -EP07 My First MVC Web Project - MVC Hello World
[MP4] [0:24:10] [2016/01/05]07_MVC 시작하기 프로젝트 만들어보기
02 YongJun Park -EP08 MVC CRUD Web Application with MVC Scaffolding
[MP4] [0:20:01] [2016/01/05]08_MVC의 스캐폴딩 기능을 사용하여 CRUD 웹 응용프로그램 만들기
02 YongJun Park -EP10 Web API Web Project
[MP4] [0:17:02] [2016/01/05]10_ASP.NET Web API 기본 제공 프로젝트 템플릿 살펴보기
02 -YongJun Park -EP11 ASP.NET SignalR - Simple Chat Application
[MP4] [0:21:13] [2016/01/05]11_SignalR을 사용하여 초간단 채팅 만들기
02 YongJun Park -EP12 ASP.NET Deployment on Microsoft Azure Web App and SQL Azure
[MP4] [0:30:04] [2016/01/05]12_ASP.NET 웹 프로젝트를 Azure 웹 앱과 DB에 배포하기
02 YongJun Park -EP03 Visual Studio 2015 Extentions
[MP4] [0:12:57] [2016/01/05]03_Web 개발자들을 위한 Visual Studio 2015 확장 및 업데이트 기능 다운로드 및 설치(Web Essentials, jQuery Code Snippets, Bootstrap Code Snippet Pack, Side Waffle)
02 YongJun Park -EP09 Introduction to ASP.NET Web API
[MP4] [0:12:57] [2015/12/30]09_ASP.NET Web API 살펴보기
03 MunChan Park - Day 3 Part 19 - Developing the Korea Bus Information app for Windows 10 UWP
[MP4] [0:23:57] [2015/12/23]I am a Microsoft MVP MunChen Park. Using the MVVM pattern to November 2015 was conducted training on how to make the UWP app. Training was given in Korean participants was a 23 people. Training was…
03 MunChan Park - Day 3 Part 18 - Developing the Korea Bus Information app for Windows 10 UWP
[MP4] [0:16:46] [2015/12/23]I am a Microsoft MVP MunChen Park. Using the MVVM pattern to November 2015 was conducted training on how to make the UWP app. Training was given in Korean participants was a 23 people. Training was…
03 MunChan Park - Day 3 Part 17 - Developing the Korea Bus Information app for Windows 10 UWP
[MP4] [0:33:19] [2015/12/23]I am a Microsoft MVP MunChen Park. Using the MVVM pattern to November 2015 was conducted training on how to make the UWP app. Training was given in Korean participants was a 23 people. Training was…
03 MunChan Park - Day 3 Part 16 - Developing the Korea Bus Information app for Windows 10 UWP
[MP4] [0:39:50] [2015/12/23]I am a Microsoft MVP MunChen Park. Using the MVVM pattern to November 2015 was conducted training on how to make the UWP app. Training was given in Korean participants was a 23 people. Training was…
03 MunChan Park - Day 3 Part 15 - Developing the Korea Bus Information app for Windows 10 UWP
[MP4] [0:58:22] [2015/12/23]I am a Microsoft MVP MunChen Park. Using the MVVM pattern to November 2015 was conducted training on how to make the UWP app. Training was given in Korean participants was a 23 people. Training was…
03 MunChan Park - Day 3 Part 14 - Developing the Korea Bus Information app for Windows 10 UWP
[MP4] [0:55:49] [2015/12/23]I am a Microsoft MVP MunChen Park. Using the MVVM pattern to November 2015 was conducted training on how to make the UWP app. Training was given in Korean participants was a 23 people. Training was…
03 MunChan Park - Day 3 Part 13 - Developing the Korea Bus Information app for Windows 10 UWP
[MP4] [1:06:15] [2015/12/23]I am a Microsoft MVP MunChen Park. Using the MVVM pattern to November 2015 was conducted training on how to make the UWP app. Training was given in Korean participants was a 23 people. Training was…
03 MunChan Park - Day 3 Part 12 - Developing the Korea Bus Information app for Windows 10 UWP
[MP4] [0:46:22] [2015/12/23]I am a Microsoft MVP MunChen Park. Using the MVVM pattern to November 2015 was conducted training on how to make the UWP app. Training was given in Korean participants was a 23 people. Training was…
03 MunChan Park - Day 3 Part 11 - Developing the Korea Bus Information app for Windows 10 UWP
[MP4] [0:51:42] [2015/12/23]I am a Microsoft MVP MunChen Park. Using the MVVM pattern to November 2015 was conducted training on how to make the UWP app. Training was given in Korean participants was a 23 people. Training was…
03 MunChan Park - Day 3 Part 10 - Developing the Korea Bus Information app for Windows 10 UWP
[MP4] [0:53:47] [2015/12/23]I am a Microsoft MVP MunChen Park. Using the MVVM pattern to November 2015 was conducted training on how to make the UWP app. Training was given in Korean participants was a 23 people. Training was…
03 MunChan Park - Day 3 Part 9 - Developing the Korea Bus Information app for Windows 10 UWP
[MP4] [0:48:36] [2015/12/23]I am a Microsoft MVP MunChen Park. Using the MVVM pattern to November 2015 was conducted training on how to make the UWP app. Training was given in Korean participants was a 23 people. Training was…
03 MunChan Park - Day 3 Part 8 - Developing the Korea Bus Information app for Windows 10 UWP
[MP4] [1:00:14] [2015/12/23]I am a Microsoft MVP MunChen Park. Using the MVVM pattern to November 2015 was conducted training on how to make the UWP app. Training was given in Korean participants was a 23 people. Training was…
03 MunChan Park - Day 3 Part 7 - Developing the Korea Bus Information app for Windows 10 UWP
[MP4] [0:47:39] [2015/12/23]I am a Microsoft MVP MunChen Park. Using the MVVM pattern to November 2015 was conducted training on how to make the UWP app. Training was given in Korean participants was a 23 people. Training was…
03 MunChan Park - Day 3 Part 6 - Developing the Korea Bus Information app for Windows 10 UWP
[MP4] [0:24:16] [2015/12/23]I am a Microsoft MVP MunChen Park. Using the MVVM pattern to November 2015 was conducted training on how to make the UWP app. Training was given in Korean participants was a 23 people. Training was…
03 MunChan Park - Day 3 Part 5 - Developing the Korea Bus Information app for Windows 10 UWP
[MP4] [0:18:14] [2015/12/23]I am a Microsoft MVP MunChen Park. Using the MVVM pattern to November 2015 was conducted training on how to make the UWP app. Training was given in Korean participants was a 23 people. Training was…
03 MunChan Park - Day 3 Part 4 - Developing the Korea Bus Information app for Windows 10 UWP
[MP4] [0:35:04] [2015/12/23]I am a Microsoft MVP MunChen Park. Using the MVVM pattern to November 2015 was conducted training on how to make the UWP app. Training was given in Korean participants was a 23 people. Training was…
03 MunChan Park - Day 3 Part 3 - Developing the Korea Bus Information app for Windows 10 UWP
[MP4] [0:54:37] [2015/12/23]I am a Microsoft MVP MunChen Park. Using the MVVM pattern to November 2015 was conducted training on how to make the UWP app. Training was given in Korean participants was a 23 people. Training was…
03 MunChan Park - Day 3 Part 2 - Developing the Korea Bus Information app for Windows 10 UWP
[MP4] [0:23:09] [2015/12/23]I am a Microsoft MVP MunChen Park. Using the MVVM pattern to November 2015 was conducted training on how to make the UWP app. Training was given in Korean participants was a 23 people. Training was…
03 MunChan Park - Day 3 Part 1 - Developing the Korea Bus Information app for Windows 10 UWP
[MP4] [0:32:00] [2015/12/23]I am a Microsoft MVP MunChen Park. Using the MVVM pattern to November 2015 was conducted training on how to make the UWP app. Training was given in Korean participants was a 23 people. Training was…
03 MunChan Park - Day 2 Part 11 - Developing the Korea Bus Information app for Windows 10 UWP
[MP4] [0:57:14] [2015/12/23]I am a Microsoft MVP MunChen Park. Using the MVVM pattern to November 2015 was conducted training on how to make the UWP app. Training was given in Korean participants was a 23 people. Training was…
03 MunChan Park - Day 2 Part 10 - Developing the Korea Bus Information app for Windows 10 UWP
[MP4] [0:46:10] [2015/12/23]I am a Microsoft MVP MunChen Park. Using the MVVM pattern to November 2015 was conducted training on how to make the UWP app. Training was given in Korean participants was a 23 people. Training was…
03 MunChan Park - Day 2 Part 9 - Developing the Korea Bus Information app for Windows 10 UWP
[MP4] [0:38:35] [2015/12/23]I am a Microsoft MVP MunChen Park. Using the MVVM pattern to November 2015 was conducted training on how to make the UWP app. Training was given in Korean participants was a 23 people. Training was…
03 MunChan Park - Day 2 Part 8 - Developing the Korea Bus Information app for Windows 10 UWP
[MP4] [0:39:20] [2015/12/23]I am a Microsoft MVP MunChen Park. Using the MVVM pattern to November 2015 was conducted training on how to make the UWP app. Training was given in Korean participants was a 23 people. Training was…
03 MunChan Park - Day 2 Part 7 - Developing the Korea Bus Information app for Windows 10 UWP
[MP4] [0:52:51] [2015/12/23]I am a Microsoft MVP MunChen Park. Using the MVVM pattern to November 2015 was conducted training on how to make the UWP app. Training was given in Korean participants was a 23 people. Training was…
03 MunChan Park - Day 2 Part 5 - Developing the Korea Bus Information app for Windows 10 UWP
[MP4] [0:41:51] [2015/12/23]I am a Microsoft MVP MunChen Park. Using the MVVM pattern to November 2015 was conducted training on how to make the UWP app. Training was given in Korean participants was a 23 people. Training was…
03 MunChan Park - Day 2 Part 3 - Developing the Korea Bus Information app for Windows 10 UWP
[MP4] [0:53:04] [2015/12/23]I am a Microsoft MVP MunChen Park. Using the MVVM pattern to November 2015 was conducted training on how to make the UWP app. Training was given in Korean participants was a 23 people. Training was…
03 MunChan Park - Day 2 Part 2 - Developing the Korea Bus Information app for Windows 10 UWP
[MP4] [0:49:25] [2015/12/23]I am a Microsoft MVP MunChen Park. Using the MVVM pattern to November 2015 was conducted training on how to make the UWP app. Training was given in Korean participants was a 23 people. Training was…
03 MunChan Park - Day 1 Part 2 - Developing the Korea Bus Information app for Windows 10 UWP
[MP4] [0:26:04] [2015/12/23]I am a Microsoft MVP MunChen Park. Using the MVVM pattern to November 2015 was conducted training on how to make the UWP app. Training was given in Korean participants was a 23 people. Training was…
03 MunChan Park - Day 2 Part 1 - Developing the Korea Bus Information app for Windows 10 UWP
[MP4] [0:59:56] [2015/12/23]I am a Microsoft MVP MunChen Park. Using the MVVM pattern to November 2015 was conducted training on how to make the UWP app. Training was given in Korean participants was a 23 people. Training was…
03 MunChan Park - Day 1 Part 10 - Developing the Korea Bus Information app for Windows 10 UWP
[MP4] [0:52:44] [2015/12/23]I am a Microsoft MVP MunChen Park. Using the MVVM pattern to November 2015 was conducted training on how to make the UWP app. Training was given in Korean participants was a 23 people. Training was…
03 MunChan Park - Day 1 Part 9 - Developing the Korea Bus Information app for Windows 10 UWP
[MP4] [0:42:33] [2015/12/23]I am a Microsoft MVP MunChen Park. Using the MVVM pattern to November 2015 was conducted training on how to make the UWP app. Training was given in Korean participants was a 23 people. Training was…
03 MunChan Park - Day 1 Part 8 - Developing the Korea Bus Information app for Windows 10 UWP
[MP4] [0:44:54] [2015/12/23]I am a Microsoft MVP MunChen Park. Using the MVVM pattern to November 2015 was conducted training on how to make the UWP app. Training was given in Korean participants was a 23 people. Training was…
03 MunChan Park - Day 1 Part 7 - Developing the Korea Bus Information app for Windows 10 UWP
[MP4] [0:41:48] [2015/12/23]I am a Microsoft MVP MunChen Park. Using the MVVM pattern to November 2015 was conducted training on how to make the UWP app. Training was given in Korean participants was a 23 people. Training was…
03 MunChan Park - Day 1 Part 6 - Developing the Korea Bus Information app for Windows 10 UWP
[MP4] [1:02:40] [2015/12/23]I am a Microsoft MVP MunChen Park. Using the MVVM pattern to November 2015 was conducted training on how to make the UWP app. Training was given in Korean participants was a 23 people. Training was…
03 MunChan Park - Day 1 Part 5 - Developing the Korea Bus Information app for Windows 10 UWP
[MP4] [0:38:22] [2015/12/23]I am a Microsoft MVP MunChen Park. Using the MVVM pattern to November 2015 was conducted training on how to make the UWP app. Training was given in Korean participants was a 23 people. Training was…
03 MunChan Park - Day 1 Part 4 - Developing the Korea Bus Information app for Windows 10 UWP
[MP4] [0:52:36] [2015/12/23]I am a Microsoft MVP MunChen Park. Using the MVVM pattern to November 2015 was conducted training on how to make the UWP app. Training was given in Korean participants was a 23 people. Training was…
03 MunChan Park - Day 1 Part 3 - Developing the Korea Bus Information app for Windows 10 UWP
[MP4] [0:30:07] [2015/12/23]I am a Microsoft MVP MunChen Park. Using the MVVM pattern to November 2015 was conducted training on how to make the UWP app. Training was given in Korean participants was a 23 people. Training was…
03 MunChan Park - Day 1 Part 1 - Developing the Korea Bus Information app for Windows 10 UWP
[MP4] [0:35:47] [2015/12/23]I am a Microsoft MVP MunChen Park. Using the MVVM pattern to November 2015 was conducted training on how to make the UWP app. Training was given in Korean participants was a 23 people. Training was…
01 -Soungyub Kim -Visual C++ - Step3 (Texture)
[MP4] [1:01:46] [2015/12/21]OpenGL을 사용해서 그림을 그릴때 일반적으로 버텍스를 사용합니다. 하지만 버텍스가 선과 점으로 그림을 직접 구성하기 때문에 정형화된 패턴이나 사진과 같은 이미지를 그리기에는 한계가 있습니다. 따라서 OpenGL에서는 이미지를 다루거나 어떤 형상을 구성해서 계속 사용해야 하는 경우 텍스쳐를 사용하게 됩니다. 텍스쳐는 보통 3차원…
02 YongJun Park - EP04 ASP.NET Web Project Creation with Database Project and Test Project
[MP4] [0:09:10] [2015/12/21]04_WebCamp 웹 프로젝트 생성 및 기본 페이지 작성 그리고 Test 및 Database 프로젝트 추가
02 YongJun Park - EP02 Visual Studio 2015 Comminity Download and Install, Web Essentials 2015 Install
[MP4] [0:22:32] [2015/12/21]02_Visual Studio 2015 Community 다운로드 및 Web Essentials 확장 기능 설치
01 Soungyub Kim - Visual C++ - Step2 (
[MP4] [0:48:18] [2015/12/01] 이 강좌는 네이티브 앱의 좌표 개념에 익숙해지도록 원을 그리는 예제를 설명하고 있습니다. 원은 삼각함수(sin, cos)를 사용하여 x, y 좌표 값을 만들어 출력했으며 원이 그려지는 과정을 단계별로 그리도록 하여 어떻게 sin 값과 cos 값이 원을 구성하는지 이해할수 있도록 설명하고 있습니다.
01 Soungyub Kim -Visual C++ - Step1
[MP4] [0:41:51] [2015/11/19]Visual Studio 2015에서 제공하는 Cross Platform 환경을 사용하면 Visual C++로 Android 네이티브 앱을 작성할 수 있습니다. 이 강좌는 NDK로 구성된 소스 구조가 생소한 개발자들을 위해 앱을 구성하는 기본 함수들의 역할과 호출순서에 대해서 설명하는 동영상 입니다. 그리고 해당 함수를 사용하여 간단한 예제를…