Try It Yourself - P2S Step 3: Configure Your VPN Client
[MP4] [0:05:30] [2015/08/03]This video steps through the operations described in the step 3, Configure your VPN client, of the Azure documentation, Configure a Point-to-Site VPN connection to a Virtual Network. [00:42] -…
Try It Yourself - P2S Step 2: Create a Root-Client Certificate Pair
[MP4] [0:06:12] [2015/08/03]This video steps through the operations described in the step 2, Create your certificates, of the Azure documentation, Configure a Point-to-Site VPN connection to a Virtual Network. [00:38] - How to…
Try It Yourself - P2S Step 1: Configure a Virtual Network with a Dynamic Routing Gateway
[MP4] [0:03:23] [2015/08/03]This video steps through the operations described in the step 1, Create a virtual network and a VPN gateway, of the Azure documentation, Configure a Point-to-Site VPN connection to a Virtual Network.…
Try It Yourself - Configure an Azure VNet to VNet Connection
[MP4] [0:10:03] [2015/07/23]Vet-to-vent is an interesting and realistic scenario when connecting resources of branch offices, organizations, partners, etc. The above recoriding includes the processes and operations to establish…