Tidbits 06: Custom Color Themes and Languages
[MP4] [0:08:00] [2016/05/07]In this episode we'll look quickly at creating custom color themes and languages for Visual Studio Code. We'll use Yeoman to generate the simple meta code that tells VS Code how to provide these…
Tidbits 09: Debug Console
[MP4] [0:01:34] [2016/05/07]I learned a little something about debugging in Visual Studio Code that I wanted to share with you all really quick. It has to do with the availability of the console while debugging and it's not…
Tidbits 08: Nodist
[MP4] [0:12:03] [2016/05/07]In this episode of Tidbits of Code and Node, I'm going to introduce you to Nodist - a utility for Windows to get node and npm on your machine and give you a facility for quickly and easily switching…
Tidbits 07: Code Goes Open!
[MP4] [0:07:56] [2016/05/07]In this snippet of information about Code, I actually cover the big announcement made at the Connect() 2015 event on Nov 18, 2015 - that Visual Studio Code is now open source! I also wrote a companion…
Tidbits 05: Power Emmet
[MP4] [0:13:40] [2016/05/07]In this episode of Tidbits of Code and Node, I'll do some uber fun stuff with Emmet (aka Zen Coding) in VS Coding. I'll show you where to find a big cheat sheet for some great snippets that Emmet…
Tidbits 04: Introduction to Version 0.9 Updates
[MP4] [0:08:06] [2016/05/07]In this little episode of the Tidbits of Code and Node mini-series, I'll show you what's new in the latest (as of this writing anyway) update to Visual Studio Code. One of my favorite features is the…
Tidbits 03: Running Tasks
[MP4] [0:05:35] [2016/05/07]In this third episode of Tidbits of Code and Node, we'll see how Code handles tasks. Regardless of whether you use Gulp or Grunt (I like Gulp), Code just abstracts tasks as "tasks" and gives…
Tidbits 02: Using TSD to Install Typings and Get Intellisense
[MP4] [0:07:53] [2016/05/07]In this second episode we'll create a simple node app and then use the tsd npm package to install typings for node and some other popular node packages, and by doing so we'll get excellent…
Tidbits 01: Files and Folders
[MP4] [0:07:09] [2016/05/07]In this first episode, I'll mention how Code handles files and folders and how it doesn't care so much about explicit project files.