What Makes a FIRST Robot Go? by Jeanette Head
[MP4] [0:06:08] [2016/09/16]What Makes a FIRST Robot Go? by Jeanette Head
Microservices by Lance Carlson
[MP4] [0:09:34] [2016/09/16]Microservices by Lance Carlson
Jasmine Spies by Danielle Closs
[MP4] [0:06:42] [2016/09/16]Jasmine Spies by Danielle Closs
HTTP/2 by Kunle Oshiyoye
[MP4] [0:18:25] [2016/09/16]HTTP/2 by Kunle Oshiyoye
Getting To Production By Matt Long
[MP4] [0:06:56] [2016/09/16]Getting To Production By Matt Long
Griddle: The React Datagrid by Ryan Lanciaux
[MP4] [0:06:33] [2016/09/16]Griddle: The React Datagrid by Ryan Lanciaux
Electron by Javan Makmali
[MP4] [1:05:51] [2016/09/16]Electron by Javan Makmali
Git Tips 5 By Matt Morgan
[MP4] [0:06:35] [2016/09/16]Git Tips 5 By Matt Morgan
Angular Material by Raymond Lemon
[MP4] [0:08:30] [2016/09/16]Angular Material by Raymond Lemon
Aphrodite by Kevin Dangoor
[MP4] [0:36:37] [2016/09/16]Aphrodite by Kevin Dangoor
Git Gone Wild! by Magnus Stahre
[MP4] [1:26:39] [2016/07/24]Git Gone Wild: how to recover from common git mistakes. "Oh no! I just typed something into git and now my work is gone! Ahh!" Don't panic. Contrary to popular belief, git is one of the most…
Content Security Policy by Suby Raman
[MP4] [0:10:39] [2016/07/24]JavaScript Content Security Policy
Done.js - Your App Done! by Justin Meyer
[MP4] [1:20:15] [2016/07/24]Abstract: This sentence is wasting your time before you get to useful information. How annoying is that? Annoyed is how your users feel if they can't see their content immediately while too much…
Riot.js by Mike Ward
[MP4] [0:53:32] [2016/07/24]Abstract: CUSTOM TAGS • ENJOYABLE SYNTAX • VIRTUAL DOM • TINY SIZE. Imagine writing custom tags without jumping into a morass of JavaScript and framework dependencies. In Riot, you start with HTML…
JSWat By Brian Genisio
[MP4] [0:06:10] [2016/07/24]JSWat Lightning Talk
HTML As an Interchange Format By Spencer Jobe
[MP4] [0:07:00] [2016/07/24]HTML As an Interchange Format lightning talk
Native Mobile Apps with React Native by Matt LaForest
[MP4] [0:57:00] [2016/03/21]For years libraries have been trying to provide you ways to use your existing web application code in a Mobile app. These hybrid apps always felt clunky, sluggish, and like they really didn't belong…
Happier Test Driven Development with testdouble.js by Justin Searls
[MP4] [0:47:36] [2016/03/16]Most teams hate their tests. One of the biggest reasons is that few teams have any clue why, when, or how to make effective use of test doubles (mocks, spies, stubs, etc). In this laid-back session,…
Ember Data Roller Coaster by Jeanette Head
[MP4] [0:05:09] [2016/03/16]Jeanette Head describes Ember Data - a client-side Object Relational Mapper.
The History of JavaScript By Brian Genisio
[MP4] [0:07:22] [2016/02/25]Brian Genisio walks us through the (sometimes unexpected) history of the JavaScript language.
Web Workers in a Nutshell By Stephen Koller
[MP4] [0:04:31] [2016/02/25]Stephen Koller describes using Web Workers to handle concurrency and multithreading in a JavaScript application.
Karma Test Runner by Mark LeMerise
[MP4] [0:07:40] [2016/02/25]Mark LeMerise describes the Karma Test Runner and how to use it to improve the quality of your front-end web application.
Junior Makers by Patrick Hagood
[MP4] [0:05:17] [2016/02/25]Patrick Hagood talks about his Junior Makers group and how it gives hands-on experience to students looking to build cool projects.
How To Overcome Culture Expectations by Maddy Andrade
[MP4] [0:09:45] [2016/02/25]Maddy Andrade describes her journey as a web developer and Overcoming Culture Expectations.
Grunt with LiveReload by Miguel Castillo
[MP4] [0:07:14] [2016/02/25]Miguel Castillo describes using LiveReload and a Grunt workflow.
Funky Functions by Spencer Jobe
[MP4] [0:08:54] [2016/02/25]Spencer Jobe has some fun with first-class JavaScript functions.
ESLint by Ian Van Schooten
[MP4] [0:04:44] [2016/02/25]Ian Van Schooten shows how to use ESLint - a pluggable linting utility for JavaScript.
Ember CLI by Tom Zellman
[MP4] [0:06:25] [2016/02/25]Tom Zellman describes the Ember CLI web command-line tool.
Browserify by David Jsa
[MP4] [0:51:03] [2016/02/17]For decades web developers have wrestled with having to write two very separate codebases for the client and the server. Data models, routing, HTML rendering, validations, and a whole host of other…
Decoupling the Front-end with Modular CSS by Julie Cameron
[MP4] [1:32:16] [2016/02/17]CSS is hard. It's a simple language, but getting it right and avoiding specificity hell can be a challenge if you don't have the right framework to back you up. Especially in large scaling projects,…
Hypermedia APIs: The rest of REST by Chris Marinos
[MP4] [1:19:25] [2016/02/17]Let's face it, the term "REST" has become too popular for its own good. Like so many other hyper-successful buzzwords, REST means very different things to different developers. If you think…
Web Components by James York
[MP4] [0:58:36] [2016/02/17]Web components are the new hotness. Fact. Already there are frameworks like Google's Polymer and X-Tag from Mozilla that are set to make building websites with web components much easier. But you…
Using JS to put the Internet in Internet of Things by Kevin Swiber
[MP4] [1:00:43] [2016/02/17]The Internet of Things (IoT) is topping the charts for buzzword appearances on technology hot lists. What is this magical term? Maybe you've already connected physical devices to your computer. …
Seeing through the Matrix of JavaScript MV* Frameworks by Craig McKeachie
[MP4] [1:23:42] [2016/02/17]Learning your first programming language takes awhile. Your second is much faster and eventually you pick up new languages really quickly because you see through the matrix and realize they each have…
Make Your Toys Come Alive with Johnny-Five! by John Chapman
[MP4] [1:18:40] [2016/02/17]Skynet is coming! Will you do your part as the machines become self aware? In this session we will learn how to build robots and then bring them to life with the power of Johnny-Five! You already…
Postman with Jetpack by Elvin Yeung
[MP4] [0:16:14] [2016/02/17]Elvin Yeung describes the basics of Postman with Jetpack in this Lighting Talk.
Mock5 - JavaScript Mocking - Unit Testing by Josh Springer
[MP4] [0:07:06] [2016/02/17]Josh Springer demonstrates how to use Mock5 mocking framework to help unit test your JavaScript code.
Github Pages by Mike Ward
[MP4] [0:08:45] [2016/02/17]Mike Ward talks about setting up GitHub pages.
Using Elm by Mike Ward
[MP4] [0:10:34] [2016/02/17]Mike Ward describes how to use functional programming with Elm to build web applications.
Trails.js by Travis Webb
[MP4] [1:04:13] [2016/02/11]Trails.js started as Sails.js - an R&D project at Balderdash in 2012. Travis Webb shows how to do API driven node development using Trails.js.
Angular 2.0 With Typescript By Bill Wagner
[MP4] [1:27:17] [2016/02/11]Bill Wagner describes how to build web applications using Angular 2.0 and TypeScript. Angular 2.0 will be built using the TypeScript language. It will embrace TypeScript's idioms for working with…
Yeoman by Dennis Burton
[MP4] [0:22:11] [2016/02/11]MVP Dennis Burton describes how to scaffold an application using Yeoman.
Immutable.js by Miguel Castillo
[MP4] [0:14:49] [2016/02/11]Miguel Castillo describes how to implement immutable constructs in JavaScript with Immutable.js.
Sequelize By Eric Stevens
[MP4] [0:59:34] [2016/02/11]Sequelize is a promise-based ORM for Node.js and io.js making logical connections between our presentation layer and database schema. Sequelize, thankfully, supports most database dialects such as…
THREE.js by Breanna Turcsanyi and Jeremy Strawn
[MP4] [0:54:22] [2016/02/11]Breanna Turcsanyi and Jeremy Strawn show how to implement 3D graphics in your web application using THREE.js.