Tutorial: Connecting to Office365
[MP4] [0:04:43] [2014/12/16]Learn how to connect your app to Office365 account, and bring meetings, people and mail directly into your Siena app. Check out the rest of the Microsoft Project Siena tutorials and demos on our…
Tutorial: Intro to WADL Generator for Project Siena
[MP4] [0:03:00] [2014/07/31]A quick overview on how use Project Siena to create WADL for Edmunds.com REST service. Check out the rest of the Microsoft Project Siena tutorials and demos on our website.
Tutorial: Interactive Charts
[MP4] [0:04:24] [2014/07/16]Learn how to visualize your data in style using interactive charts. Check out the rest of the Microsoft Project Siena tutorials and demos on our website.
Tutorial: Connected Visuals
[MP4] [0:03:52] [2014/07/16]Learn how to add web, social and educational functionality to your app in one click using Connected Visuals. Check out the rest of the Microsoft Project Siena tutorials and demos on our website. For…
Tutorial: Publishing with Keys
[MP4] [0:03:13] [2014/07/16]Learn how to publish an app with a data source that requires an API key. Check out the rest of the Microsoft Project Siena tutorials and demos on our website. For the first part of building this app,…
App Tour: Salesforce - Dress by Color
[MP4] [0:02:25] [2014/07/16]Take a look at how a clothing retail app uses data from Salesforce. Check out the rest of the Microsoft Project Siena tutorials and demos on our website.
Tutorial: Using REST Web Services
[MP4] [0:06:51] [2014/03/25]Learn how to bring your apps to life with REST Web Services like Bing Search and Bing Translator. Check out the rest of the Microsoft Project Siena tutorials and demos on our website.
Tutorial: Connecting to Social Networks
[MP4] [0:07:53] [2014/03/25]Learn how to make your app social with REST Web Services like Facebook and Yammer. Check out the rest of the Microsoft Project Siena tutorials and demos on our website.
Tutorial: Travel Translator
[MP4] [0:16:00] [2014/03/25]Learn how to build this Project Siena app for translating English phrases to other languages. Write down a phrase in English. Choose a language, and then from Bing Translator, get a written and spoken…
App Tour: News Reader
[MP4] [0:05:45] [2014/03/25]Watch a demo of an app built using Project Siena. The News Reader app reads the news to you out loud. Browse popular news stories. The app can read article excerpts to you, or launch the full story in…
App Tour: Yoga Trainer
[MP4] [0:06:03] [2014/03/25]Watch a demo of an app built using Project Siena. The Yoga Trainer app helps you put together a video-guided yoga practice. Get a suggested yoga pose sequence. Play the videos as is, or customize…
Tutorial: QuickStart - Import pictures from a folder
[MP4] [0:01:54] [2014/03/25]Get started quickly from a folder of pictures. Build your first app in under 30 seconds. Watch this tutorial to find out how it works. Check out the rest of the Microsoft Project Siena tutorials and…
Getting Started: Siena 101
[MP4] [0:10:06] [2014/01/28]Build your first Project Siena app in under 10 minutes while learning the basic framework of working with Project Siena. Create Excel tables with images and bring them into Project Siena Visualize…
Tutorial: Build Windows 8 Devices App
[MP4] [0:14:40] [2014/01/18]Learn how to build this Project Siena app for browsing Windows 8 devices. View and filter available Windows 8 devices by type and manufacturer. Save and compare devices. Estimate total costs, and take…
App Tour: Bridge Tutor
[MP4] [0:06:51] [2014/01/18]Siena is for expert apps. Watch a demo of an expert app built using Project Siena. This app is for a bridge teacher to teach hand and contract evaluation techniques. See if you can correctly calculate…
App Tour: Contoso Site Survey
[MP4] [0:03:32] [2014/01/18]Siena is for expert apps. Watch a demo of an expert app built using Project Siena. The Contoso Site Survey app is for a facilities manager to keep track of cleaning work at an industrial site. Take…
Tutorial: Build Health Cost Calculator
[MP4] [0:18:17] [2014/01/18]Siena is for expert apps. Learn how to build this expert app for an insurance agent to estimate out-of-pocket expenses for their clients. Watch someone talking about their illness. See the cost of…
Tutorial: Build Adventure Works
[MP4] [0:16:13] [2014/01/18]Learn how to build this Project Siena app for an interactive display at a sporting goods store. Select a sport on the first screen to launch a video about that sport. As products appear in the video,…