Getting Started With Windows 10 IoT Core and The Raspberry Pi 2 at Chicago Coder Conference 2017
[MP4] [0:42:20] [2017/07/22]Live from Chicago Coder Conference 2017, I presented this introduction to running Windows 10 IoT Core on the Raspberry Pi 2 and developing a custom solution on the platform. I explain why I chose the…
First configuration of Windows server essentials 2016
[MP4] [2017/06/04]The next week, we discover Windows server essentails 2016 and how to setup it. Now, we will see how to do the fisrt configuration. The videos is in english, but the blog is in french.
Experts Live NL 2016 - Interview Paul Huijbregts (Dutch)
[MP4] [0:06:27] [2017/03/09]Paul Huijbregts is interviewed in Dutch, during Experts Live NL 2016 on the new and upcoming features of Windows 10 anniversary Edition.
Installing Windows in Raspberry Pi 3 - A Programmer's Guide to Internet of Things - Part 3
[MP4] [0:07:46] [2016/12/01]About Series This Series about IoT, named as "A Programmer's Guide to Internet of Things" comprised of 5 video lessons and every lesson covers different aspect of Internet of things.…
Device Guard Nasl Çalr
[MP4] [0:46:59] [2016/11/23]Bir önceki videomuz içinde Device Guard Nedir konusu ile yeni teknolojimizi tanımıştık. Bu videomuzda ise teknik konulara odaklanıyoruz ve Code Integrety Politikaları ille Windows 10 bilgisayarımızda…
Création d'une autorité de certification sous Windows 2016
[MP4] [0:06:57] [2016/11/21]Installation d'une autorité de certification sous Windows 2016Nous allons voir ensemble comment installer et faire une première configuration d'une autorité de certification sous Windows 2016. J'avais…
Manipulating Objects with PowerShell
[MP4] [0:23:28] [2016/11/15]This is part 2 of a series on using PowerShell. In this video, we cover how to work with Objects in PowerShell. We do that by breaking down this script. Get-PSDrive | ?{$_.Free -gt 1} | %{$Count = 0;…
PowerShell for Beginners
[MP4] [0:27:56] [2016/11/15]This video is part 1 of a multi-part series for learning PowerShell. This video covers the basics to get you up and running today.* Get-Command* Get-Help* Get-Alias* Get-Member* Get-History*…
Resolving Modern Device Issues for SMBs
[MP4] [0:33:59] [2016/11/02]Many SMBs still have to consider old deployment tools and corporate structures, even when IT isn't ready for this massive load. Get to know some of the workarounds and some of the tools you want to…
Étape par Étape mise en place d'office 365 1
[MP4] [0:10:35] [2016/10/11]Comment faire la mise en place d'office 365 (1er partie)Pour la dernière vidéo de l'année 2015, nous allons voir ensemble la première partie de l'intégration d'office 365 à notre Active Directory. …
File Server Resource Manager
[MP4] [0:57:03] [2016/08/31]Gokan OZCIFCI ve Mehmet PARLAKYİĞİT moderatorlüğünde UnifyTR çatışı altında Kerim CANTÜRK'le beraber gerçekleştirmiş olduğumuz; File Server Resource Manager konulu söyleşimiz.
Device storage investigation deep-dive
[MP4] [0:26:05] [2016/06/01]With high-speed but limited storage capacity, SSDs have changed the way we look at storage.Look how Olav and Alex identify and target the typical offenders you can resolve without hassle, and…
Introduction to Windows Defender
[MP4] [0:28:22] [2016/05/13]Introduction to Windows Defender and some tips and tricks
Opciones de Apagado en Windows 10 con Outlook 2016
[MP4] [0:27:52] [2016/02/23]En este vídeo conoceremos un método mas sobre como podemos aplicar las opciones de apagado en nuestro sistema operativo Windows 10 por medio de las reglas de Outlook 2016.
Imagen de Referencia de Windows 10 con MDT 2013 U2
[MP4] [0:36:25] [2016/01/21]En este vídeo podremos crear una imagen de referencia básica de Windows 10 utilizando Microsoft Deployment Toolkit 2013 Update 2 agregando componentes básicos esenciales como lo es .NET Framework y…
Entrevista Channel 9 - MVP Summit 2015 - Octavio Rdz
[MP4] [0:06:25] [2016/01/19]Cumbre Mundial MVP es un evento de varios días que se encuentra alojado en Bellevue y en la sede de Microsoft en Redmond, Washington. Con un gran catálogo de sesiones técnicas (ofrecido sólo en…
Windows 10 y Azure Backup
[MP4] [0:06:50] [2016/01/15]En este video conoceremos como instalar y configurar el cliente de Azure Backup en Windows 10 Enterprise, así podemos realizar los backups y restore de la información, garantizando la disponibilidad y…
Windows Server 2016 - Visão geral sobre Nano Server
[MP4] [0:18:32] [2015/12/21]O Windows Server 2016 traz muitas novidades, novos recursos, funções, tecnologias e conceitos. Nano Server é uma versão presente no Windows Server 2016 otimizado para nuvem privada, com o mínimo de…
Lo Nuevo en la Implementacion de Windows 10 (Channel 9)
[MP4] [0:26:30] [2015/12/11]En este video conoceremos algunas de las nuevas caracteristicas sobre los temas relacionados a la implementacion de Windows 10.
Turbo Containers for Windows
[MP4] [0:28:47] [2015/12/08]In this video, I will demonstrate some uses for Turbo containers on Windows. Dockers has been getting quite a lot of buzz in the industry. Docker, of course provides the ability to create Linux based…
Migrar de Windows 7 a Windows 10 en un Dominio con MDT 2013 U1
[MP4] [0:33:51] [2015/12/08]Los Archivos utilizados los podemos consultar en este link dentro del blog
FSMO Roles
[MP4] [0:20:20] [2015/12/07] In this video, Microsoft MVP, Sybex Author, and StormWind instructor William Panek explains the differences between the Operational Master (FSMO) roles. William will teach you the five roles and…
Creating Fine Grained Password Policies
[MP4] [0:13:46] [2015/12/07]In this video, Microsoft MVP, Sybex Author, and StormWind Instructor Will Panek shows you how to create Fine Grained Password Policies on a Windows Server 2012 R2 system.
Windows Server 2012 R2 GUI to Server Core Conversion
[MP4] [0:13:28] [2015/12/05] In this Video, Microsoft MVP and Sybex Author William Panek shows you how to convert a Windows Server 2012 R2 GUI system to a Server Core system.