Data Analysis with Azure Machine Learning Studio
[MP4] [1:01:03] [2017/06/19]Video tutorial on Data Analysis with Azure Machine Learning Studio. This session was recorded from Washington, SQL Pass Monthly Meetup Event.
Webinar on Azure Microservices, Service Fabrics and Cognitive Services
[MP4] [1:38:43] [2017/06/19]Video tutorial on Azure Microservices, Service Fabrics and Microsoft Cognitive Services
Webinar on Blob Storage and Data Analysis using Azure Machine Learning by Rahat Yasir & Deepak…
[MP4] [1:42:06] [2017/05/29]Webinar on Blob Storage and Data Analysis using Azure Machine Learning by Rahat Yasir & Deepak Kaushik 16 developers from 5 countries attended the webinar. Things that we covered here are, -Azure…
Webinar on Azure Datawarehouse and Machine Learning by Deepak Kaushik and Rahat Yasir
[MP4] [1:31:24] [2017/05/22]Webinar on Azure Datawarehouse and Machine Learning by Deepak Kaushik and Rahat Yasir. 22 developers from 6 countries attended the webinar. Things that we covered here are, Learn Microsoft Azure Data…
Automation Web UI Testing with Visual Studio 2017 & Sikuli4Net
[MP4] [0:13:38] [2017/03/21]This video shows how to use sikuli4net along with selenium to perform automatic UI testing in Visual Studio 2017.
What's New in C# 7
[MP4] [0:56:42] [2017/03/17]In this screencast, I demonstrate all the features of C# 7 that have become available with the release of Visual Studio 2017. Links to some of my C#/.NET courses: Mastering LINQ with C# and .NETLearn…
Universal Windows Platform app to scan barcode using cordova
[MP4] [0:13:36] [2017/02/20]This video tutorial will demonstrate how to develop universal windows platform app that can scan any type of barcode using Apache Cordova cross platform technology in few minutes. I have used existing…
Microsoft Bot Framework with Xamarin and UWP
[MP4] [0:42:37] [2017/02/14]This video will show you how to create create your first Bot with Microsoft Bot Framework and how to host it on Microsoft Azure. You will also get knowledge about creating simple mobile app with…
Developing Windows 10 UWP APP - A Programmer's Guide to Internet of Things - Part 4
[MP4] [0:12:05] [2016/12/13]In this video lesson you will learn how to develop a Windows 10, UWP application for raspberry Pi 3. This application will help in turning on and off bulbs with raspberry pi 3.
Applying MVVM to Xamarin Forms
[MP4] [0:23:58] [2016/11/08]Learn how to apply MVVM design pattern to a non MVVM application to guarantee separation of concern and unit testability.
3-tier Architecture using MVC, Web API, UWP & Microsoft Azure - Part 3 - Urdu/Hindi Language
[MP4] [0:14:42] [2016/11/02]Series Overview: This video series comprised of 3 video lessons demonstrating not only three tier architecture in but also tells how you can create a three tier application in ,…
Implementing NavigationService for Xamarin Forms and MVVM
[MP4] [0:13:24] [2016/10/24]Learn how to use existing NavigationService by using Prism for Xamarin Forms' platform and how to implement your own. We think about NavigationService with MVVM applications where we want to perform…
UWP Basics - Navigation
[MP4] [0:10:55] [2016/10/10]UWP Basics is a series that targets basics that you need to learn in order to get started developing great UWP applications. In this video we are going to discuss Page Navigation and Back Navigation.
XBOX: Starte MeineApp
[MP4] [1:09:56] [2016/10/07]Die Xbox One ist jetzt auch Bestandteil der Universal Windows Platform. Wie man in wenigen Schritten die eigene Xbox One zur Entwicklermaschine macht und wie einfach die Portierung oder Erstellung von…
WindowsPhone8-LockScreen Camera Application Webinar
[MP4] [1:22:08] [2016/10/04]Bu webinar'da Windows Phone 8 üzerinde çalışacak bir uygulama geliştirip, uygulama içerisinden çekilen resimlerin LockScreen'de görüntülenmesini sağladık.
CarouselView for Xamarin Forms
[MP4] [0:13:29] [2016/09/27]Learn how to use CarouselView with Xamarin Forms to flip through a list of items or images. Follow @HoussemDellai
Login with Facebook in Xamarin Forms
[MP4] [0:22:20] [2016/09/08]Learn how to Login to Facebook with Xamarin Forms. This video will walk you through the process to connect Xamarin app to Facebook API: 1) Create Facebook app with Login product and get Client ID 2)…
Xamarin'e Temel Giri Bölüm-1
[MP4] [0:57:06] [2016/08/31]Gokan OZCIFCI ve Mehmet PARLAKYİĞİT moderatorlüğünde UnifyTR çatışı altında Yiğt ÖZAKSÜT'le beraber gerçekleştirmiş olduğumuz; Xamarin'e Temel Giriş konulu söyleşimiz.
Microsoft Cognitive Services and Xamarin Forms
[MP4] [0:52:25] [2016/07/18]Microsoft Cognitive Services is a set of API that relies on Artificial Intelligence to analyse images and videos. It can detect and recognize objects, people, faces with age and gender. Also, it can…
Creating Unit Tests for Xamarin Forms Apps
[MP4] [0:28:07] [2016/07/01]This video will walk you through creating Unit Tests for Xamarin Forms apps. To make it easy to unit test the app, this demo uses MVVM design pattern to ensure separation of logic code from UI code.…
Creating UI Tests for Xamarin Forms
[MP4] [0:31:17] [2016/07/01]This videos will walk you through creating UI Tests for Xamarin Forms apps (Android and iOS). It shows the following concepts to be considered: 1) AutomationId attribute 2) Naming convention 3) NUnit…
Microsoft Bot Framework
[MP4] [0:08:32] [2016/06/27]The Microsoft Bot Framework Connector is a communication service that helps you connect your Bot with many different communication channels (GroupMe, SMS, email, and others). If you write a…
Using Youtube API with Xamarin Forms
[MP4] [0:29:34] [2016/06/20]Learn how to use Youtube Data API to retrieve videos from a channel or from a playlist, with Xamarin Forms. The video will walk you through all the required steps to show information about youtube…
Using Foursquare API with Xamarin Forms
[MP4] [0:20:01] [2016/06/20]Learn how to use Foursquare API to get information about venues like location, phone number, rating, number of visitors... This video will show how to create API calls to REST endpoints and how to get…
Using Splash Screen with Xamarin Forms
[MP4] [0:07:01] [2016/06/20]Learn how to create a Splash Screen in Xamarin Forms applications (Android, Windows). Follow @HoussemDellai
Xamarin.Forms : Plugin
[MP4] [0:08:01] [2016/06/11]This video about Xamarin.Forms : Plugin
Xamarin.Forms : Page,Layout, and Views
[MP4] [0:17:29] [2016/06/11]This Video Cover about Xamarin.Forms : Page , Layout, and Views (Control)
Introduction to Xamarin.Forms
[MP4] [0:07:59] [2016/06/07]Create your first Cross-Platform Apps with Xamarin.Forms.
Using SQLite with Xamarin Forms
[MP4] [0:08:20] [2016/06/07]Learn how to use SQLite to store data in your Xamarin Forms mobile application targeting Windoows, Android and iOS. Follow @HoussemDellai
Using Animations with Xamarin Forms
[MP4] [0:14:36] [2016/06/07]Learn how to apply animations in Xamarin Forms apps. Animations API makes it easy to make translations, rotation and opacity to visual objects like buttons, grids or stack layouts. Follow…
Using HeaderTemplate with Xamarin Forms
[MP4] [0:12:13] [2016/06/07]Learn how to edit and customize the HeaderTemplate and FooterTemplate inside a ListView with Xamarin Forms. Follow @HoussemDellai
Using DataTemplateSelector with ListView in Xamarin Forms
[MP4] [0:20:01] [2016/06/07]Learn how to use DataTemplateSelector to customize the data templates shown inside a ListView in Xamarin Forms apps. Follow @HoussemDellai
Using ContextActions with Xamarin Forms
[MP4] [0:10:18] [2016/06/06]This video will walk you through creating ContextActions in Xamarin Forms to enable users to choose between multiple actions when clicking on an item on the ListView. Follow @HoussemDellai
Start Developing HoloLens Apps Today HoloLens
[MP4] [0:16:41] [2016/05/30]The project of this video has published to Github, you can find it here: HoloLens 概述 在经历数个月的期待与等待后,终于拿到了预订的 HoloLens…
MSP Webinar 2016 UWP AppLifeCycle ve BackgroundExecution
[MP4] [0:15:44] [2016/05/23]MSP'lere özel gerçekleştirdiğimiz bu webinar içerisinde UWP uygulamalarının yaşam döngülerini ve arkaplan'da nasıl kod çalıştırabileceklerini inceledik.
MSP Webinar 2016 UWP Intro to XAML and UI Controls
[MP4] [1:16:32] [2016/05/21]MSP'lere özel gerçekleştirdiğimiz bu webinar içerisinde UWP uygulamalarında kullanabileceğimiz ekran nesnelerini ve XAML temellerini inceledik.
MSP Webinar 2016 UWP MVVM ve Databinding
[MP4] [0:35:23] [2016/05/21]MSP'lere özel gerçekleştirdiğimiz bu webinar içerisinde UWP uygulamalarında ekran ve veri nasıl bind yapılabilir inceledik.
MSP Webinar 2016 UWP Azure Backend
[MP4] [1:06:39] [2016/05/18]MSP'lere özel gerçekleştirdiğimiz bu webinar içerisinde UWP uygulamasından Azure hizmetlerini nasıl kullanabileceğimizi inceledik.
[MP4] [0:15:53] [2016/05/07]UniversalWindowsApp開発入門の第5回です。 解説記事はこちら
Introduction of PowerApps
[MP4] [0:08:39] [2016/04/26]Microsoft PowerApps is a new enterprise service that empowers innovators everywhere to connect, create and share business apps with team members on any device in minutes. PowerApps unlocks the value…
[MP4] [0:18:06] [2016/04/26]UniversalWindowsApp開発入門第4回、データの保存と復元です。 解説記事はこちら
[MP4] [0:10:03] [2016/04/14]UniversalWindowsApp開発入門 第3回のデバッグ技術についての動画です 解説記事はこちら
[MP4] [0:08:50] [2016/03/30]UniversalWindowsApp開発入門第2回です。今回は画面デザインとHello,World表示までやっていきます。 解説記事はこちら
[MP4] [0:05:02] [2016/03/28]UniversalWindowsApp開発入門の環境構築とプロジェクト作成です Webでの解説はこちら 使用している環境***********************・Windows10 Pro 1511 64bit・Windows SDK 10586・VisuaStudio Community***********************
Learn Roslyn Now - E08 - The AdHocWorkspace
[MP4] [0:12:04] [2016/02/19]The AdHocWorkspace is a mutable workspace that makes it easy to add documents and projects to. It's very useful for testing and is the easiest workspace to get up and running. Intro to Workspaces:…
Learn Roslyn Now - E07 - VisualStudioWorkspace
[MP4] [0:18:31] [2016/02/19]In this episode, we take a look at building Visual Studio extensions that interact with Roslyn using the VisualStudioWorkspace. Intro to Workspaces:…
Learn Roslyn Now - E06 - MSBuildWorkspace
[MP4] [0:11:29] [2016/02/19]In this episode, we take a look at the workspace API and the MSBuildWorkspace. More on Workspaces: used in this video:
Learn Roslyn Now - E05 - Semantic Model and Symbols
[MP4] [0:12:05] [2016/02/19]In this episode we take a look at how we can use the Semantic API to gain access to symbols represented by pieces of syntax. More on the Semantic Model:…
Learn Roslyn Now - E04 - The CSharpSyntaxRewriter
[MP4] [0:10:11] [2016/02/19]An introduction to the CSharpSyntaxRewriter and how we can use it to rewrite syntax trees.Tool used in this video: http://comealive.ioBlog Post:
Learn Roslyn Now - E02 - The Syntax Tree API
[MP4] [0:10:12] [2016/02/19]In today's episode we'll find out how to navigate the syntax tree and create new syntax nodes. Syntax Trees and LINQ: Nodes…
Learn Roslyn Now - E01 - Introduction to Roslyn Tooling
[MP4] [0:06:42] [2016/02/19]Introduction to Roslyn tooling.NET Compiler Platform SDK: https://visualstudiogallery.msdn.micr...Source Browser:
Instalando Template de Xamarin Android Material Design no Visual Studio
[MP4] [0:07:13] [2016/01/20]Essa extensão para Visual Studio 2015, criada por James Montemagno, facilita muito a criação de um app Android utilizando o Material Design. Se você quer criar um app em Android, eu recomendo muito…
Criando um App Windows 10 (UWP) com Xamarin Forms 2
[MP4] [0:17:59] [2016/01/14]Com um só código você cria um app para iOS, Android, Windows Phone, Windows Desktop, Xbox One, HoloLens... enfim.. tudo que rodar Windows 10! E nesse vídeo eu mostro como é simples fazer isso!…
Project Westminster
[MP4] [0:05:26] [2016/01/08]Project Westminster, which gives you the ability to leverage your existing web development workflow and publish your responsive website to the Windows Store. The team calls these published websites…
Windows App Studio
[MP4] [0:06:28] [2016/01/08]Windows App Studio is a free, easy, online tool that allows you to quickly turn your content and ideas into quality apps by applying text, Web content, imagery and design concepts to a rich set of…