ESRI Build 2015 Video
[MP4] [0:01:05] [2015/05/26]ESRI, the leading provider of geographic information services software, has over 10,000 SQL databases running on Azure today. Watch the video from Scott Guthrie's keynote on day 1 at Build 2015.
Azure Case Study Video: blinkbox
[MP4] [0:02:31] [2014/06/22]blinkbox is a UK movie and TV streaming service which had a traditional datacenter in London in which costs were skyrocketing. The company shifted to Microsoft Azure, saving millions of dollars.
Azure Case Study Video-Mundoloco
[MP4] [0:02:39] [2014/06/21]When Mundoloco CGI Studios needed to render more than 276,000 frames of its Hollywood-level animated movie, the company set up 550 Microsoft Azure Virtual Machines, enabling it to meet its premiere…
From Titans to Drivatars
[MP4] [0:01:47] [2014/06/21]See how Xbox Live Compute is helping to improve gameplay in Titanfall. Benefits include better overall connectivity, improved multiplayer experiences, and improved & evolving gameplay experiences.