Building a Global Merchant Payment Service at Groupon by Shane Stanford and Jason Yanowitz
[MP4] [0:52:19] [2016/05/04]As part of the Finance Engineering team at Groupon, we pay merchants in dozens of countries. Over the last four years, our Rails service has processed lots of dollars (and other currencies) and…
What We Talk About When We Talk About Testing by Noel Rappin
[MP4] [0:51:38] [2016/05/04]"Red. Green. Refactor" is a great slogan for Test-Driven Development. It's less great as a guide to actual TDD practice. The slogan provides no guidance for two very important questions in a…
XRay: Transparency for the Web by Marshall Shen
[MP4] [0:48:09] [2016/05/04]Today's Web services–such as Google, Amazon, and Facebook–leverage user data for varied purposes, including personalizing recommendations, targeting advertisements, and adjusting prices. At present,…
Geekfest Lightning Talks! 2015-04-07
[MP4] [0:43:12] [2016/05/04]A set of lightning talks on various topics of interest to technologists.
Audible Algorithms by Aaron Zimmerman
[MP4] [0:47:03] [2016/05/04]What makes music, music? Composers have always sought new musical forms to give structure to their ideas but been limited by the feeble computing power of the human brain. What new musical structures…
Using HTML and JavaScript to Build Desktop Applications by Jonathan Soeder
[MP4] [0:35:46] [2016/05/04]In this talk, I will tell a story about I how discovered node-webkit. It opened up amazing new possibilities for me as a web developer to create desktop applications that I never would have tried a…
From Developer to Manager: Finding Your Path by Chris Powers
[MP4] [0:58:49] [2016/05/04]We have all read blog articles from developers-turned-managers-turned-developers again decrying the shift while warning others not to "sell out" and stop writing code. The transition from…
The Primitives of High-Availability by Paul Hinze
[MP4] [1:01:28] [2016/05/04]Many of the greatest achievements in the history of computers are based on lies, or rather, the strategic sets of lies we generally call "abstraction". Operating systems lie to programs…