VT Hacks with David, Tim & Josh
[MP4] [0:02:04] [2016/02/28]David, Tim & Josh talk about their hackathon project during VT Hacks at Virginia Tech, and how Microsoft Azure helped bring together a variety of technologies on their project. Quote: "One of…
Azure Chat with Moises Jaramillo of SensiNM
[MP4] [0:02:56] [2016/02/28]Blog Post: http://WakeUpAndCode.com/Azure-Chat-Moises-Jaramillo-SensiNM
Create a new VM on Azure
[MP4] [0:14:39] [2016/01/14]Blog Post: http://wakeupandcode.com/create-azure-vm/ Do you need a new server? Are you unsure of how many you may need? Learn how you can create your own Virtual Machine in Microsoft's Azure cloud…
Deploy Your Web Site or Web App on Azure
[MP4] [0:16:40] [2015/12/05]Blog post: http://wakeupandcode.com/deploy-your-web-site-web-app-on-azure Learn how you can deploy your Web Site or Web App on Azure, the Microsoft Cloud!