Curah! Curate the web and share what you know
[MP4] [0:02:43] [2015/07/30]2015-07-30 Update: Curah! has moved to Aren't you tired of browsing through too many results from Search Engines? Curah! provides you with the most relevant results, manually-selected…
Curah! Crie hoje a sua Curation!
[MP4] [0:02:43] [2015/07/30]2015-07-30 Update: Curah! has moved to Procurando por bom conteúdo ou por bons exemplos de códigos? Lembrar as boas web links! Introdução ao Microsoft Curah!, crie hoje a sua…
Curah! Curah!, die neue Methode um technische Inhalte zu sammeln und zu teilen
[MP4] [0:02:43] [2015/07/30]2015-07-30 Update: Curah! has moved to Du weisst wo man technische Inhalte findet? Diese möchtest du mit anderen Teilen oder Entwickler und IT Profies unterstützen. Schau mal auf…
Curah! Crea, encuentra y comparte contenido técnico en cuestión de segundos
[MP4] [0:02:43] [2015/07/30]2015-07-30 Update: Curah! has moved to Curah! tiene un propósito muy específico: ayudar a la gente que busca en Google o Bing a encontrar colecciones de gran contenido específicamente…
Curah! ,
[MP4] [0:02:43] [2015/07/30]2015-07-30 Update: Curah! has moved to Надоело разбираться с результатами от разных поисковиков? Curah! предоставляет вам наиболее релевантные результаты, вручную…
Curah! Condividi la tua conoscenza - crea la tua prima Curation ora!
[MP4] [0:02:43] [2015/07/30]2015-07-30 Aggiornamento: Curah! è ora Non sei stanco di cercare ciò che ti serve tra i molti (troppi) risultati restituiti dai Search Engine? Curah! fornisce i risultati/link più…
[MP4] [0:02:43] [2015/07/30]2015-07-30 Update: Curah! has moved to 厭倦了來回瀏覽搜尋引擎所提供的過多的搜尋結果了嗎? Curah! 透過了社群專家們的篩選讓您找到最感興趣的主題或技術問題解答。 如果您也是專家,您可以通過創建這些策展文章增加您在社群的名聲 — 透過這個簡短的影片介紹立即了解如何發表策展文章! 即刻開始吧! 請參考…
[MP4] [0:02:43] [2015/07/30]2015-07-30 Update: Curah! has moved to 厌倦了来回浏览搜索引擎所提供的过多的搜寻结果了吗? Curah! 透过了社区专家们的筛选让您找到最感兴趣的主题或技术问题解答。 如果您也是专家,您可以通过创建这些策展文章增加您在社区的名声 — 透过这个简短的影片介绍立即了解如何发表策展文章! 即刻开始吧! 请参考…
[MP4] [0:02:43] [2015/07/30]2015-07-30 Update: Curah! has moved to هل أنت متعب من تصفح الكثير من النتائج من محركات البحث؟ Curah! يوفر لك أكثر النتائج ذات الصلة، تم اختيارها يدوياً من قبل خبراء المجال، للموضوع…
WR Series: Windows Forms Localizability and Localization
[MP4] [0:16:42] [2011/06/14] This week Garrett McGowan, a Senior PM from the Developer Division GDX team, provides background information on Windows Forms Localization and Localizability concepts, including the use of Auto…
WR Series: Arabic a Complex Script
[MP4] [0:07:56] [2011/05/25] In this video, you will explore the different features of the Arabic language. First, we will add an Arabic Keyboard and start typing Arabic. Switch to right-to-left display and examine some Arabic…
WR Series: How to change the Display Language of Visual Studio
[MP4] [0:01:58] [2011/05/02] In this short how-to video Andy Gonzalez, a PM from the Developer Division GDX team, shows you how to change the Display Language of Visual Studio. As always, stay tuned for more videos regarding…
WR Series: Whats new in Globalization in .NET Framework 4
[MP4] [0:10:46] [2011/02/16] This episode touches on the new characteristics, changes, and improvements in the .NET Framework 4 regarding Globalization. Topics include Cultures, String Management, Neutral Cultures, and a set of…
WR Series: Language Enablement
[MP4] [0:19:42] [2010/11/19] Third episode of this series of short talks on how to develop (and test) World-Ready applications.This is the last of the overview-type talks - the next ones will be more specific.What are Encodings…
WR Series: Data Presentation
[MP4] [0:15:17] [2010/09/15]Second episode of this series of short talks on how to develop (and test) World-Ready applications.
In this one Aldo Donetti, Lead PM in the Developer Division's Globalization team, will introduce…
WR Series: Introduction to developing World Ready Applications
[MP4] [0:11:50] [2010/07/17] This is the first of a series of short talks on how to develop (and test) World-Ready applications. In this one, Ashwini Gupta of the Globalization team of Developer Division will introduce you to…